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Cannabinoid Hyperemesis Syndrome
Cannabis & Anti-Emetics
Citation:   The_LifeCaster. "Cannabinoid Hyperemesis Syndrome: An Experience with Cannabis & Anti-Emetics (exp103527)". Jun 2, 2014.

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  smoked Cannabis (plant material)
[Erowid Note: In Feb 2016, author retracted diagnosis and says they had/have 'Cyclic Vomiting Syndrome' instead.

The author commented two years after writing this that he did not want to write a retraction. He described that he had changed his opinion and thinks that many diagnoses of Cannabis Hyperemesis Syndrome are misdiagnosed and are, instead the more general Cyclic Vomiting Syndrome. He described that he thought that Cannabis HS might be 'all bullshit'. As of Feb 2016, Erowid has no opinion about Cannabinoid Hyperemesis Syndrome.]

Let me start off by giving some info, 'Cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome' (CHS) is a disorder that is characterized by recurrent nausea, vomiting, and colicky abdominal pain.

I'm a 30 years old dude, My Body Weight is 138lb my height is 5'7'. I'm a medical cannabis patient for pain & have been one 10 years. I smoke both Indica at night & Sativa in the day. I smoke about 2 ounce's a month.

I started using weed when I was 12 years old (I know that's not good) & I have been using ever since. I started getting CHS when I was 25.

The CHS only comes when I go without cannabis for 3 days but from many stories I have red about it some people can get it even when they have Marijuana around & many of them don't know about CHS so they will think oh I will just smoke more weed to stop the Insane Vomiting! but that will only make it worst.

I have read that temporary relief of symptoms can be achieved by taking a hot bath or shower but that does not seem to do much for me when I have CHS. When I have CHS I do make my room real HOT, don't know if there's any connection to the hot bath thing. When I get CHS I have to take anti-vomiting pills like Compazine, Promethazine, & Zofran.

in the past it was so bad I had to go to the ER to get the same anti-vomiting drugs via IV, because I could not hold down the pills.

I found out about CHS in some medical library out of Australia. I was shocked because it was published back in the late 1990s & I have never heard of it. Now it's well known to many ER's in the USA but that did not start until like 2002-2004.

The odd thing is this, one can use Marijuana hardcore for many years and never show any signs of this until that one days comes. Remember that we are all unique snowflakes and that some hardcore users may never get it.

Medical science has no idea why this happens, mostly because there is no real research being done.

Here are some links about it:

I want to close by making clear that I'm not some anti-Marijuana dude trying to put fear in to you or anything like that. I just feel people should know about it because I never hear it being talked about on the TV or the news shows about medical cannabis.

I just want to make sure people know about it so they know what could happen and make a well-informed decision on whether to use it or not.

Exp Year: 2014ExpID: 103527
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 30
Published: Jun 2, 2014Views: 4,493
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Cannabis (1) : Various (28), Health Problems (27)

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