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Its Effect on Opioid Withdrawal
Pregabalin & Opioids
Citation:   docdmento. "Its Effect on Opioid Withdrawal: An Experience with Pregabalin & Opioids (exp103826)". Dec 2, 2017.

300 mg oral Pharms - Pregabalin (daily)
As a result of a combat wound, I have been on opioids for more than ten years. Additionally, I have been prescribed Lyrica for the neuropathic component of my pain.

For the first several days of my experience with Lyrica, I felt moderate sedation and some euphoria. This faded in the space of the first seven days. Due to the politics at the local VA where I was originally treated, I was cut off from the high-dose opioid therapy I was on rather than being weaned. Going through a terrible withdrawal period, I found Lyrica for some reason able to ameliorate the symptoms. Nausea and vomiting was blocked, as was the pervasive anxiety and racing thoughts. The muscle cramps were reduced, as were some of the autonomic symptoms (sweating, gooseflesh, etc.) I was quite amazed that a non-opioid would have such an effect.

Some of my opioid-dependent friends have not experienced such a profound effect as I have. I most certainly would not recommend Lyrica as a treatment for opioid withdrawal, as I am unsure if my response was just a quirk. However, I did experience it.

Exp Year: 2014ExpID: 103826
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 59
Published: Dec 2, 2017Views: 4,327
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Pharms - Pregabalin (418) : Combinations (3), Retrospective / Summary (11), Medical Use (47), Not Applicable (38)

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