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So Very Variable
Citation:   Almeeta. "So Very Variable: An Experience with Ethylphenidate (exp103837)". Mar 10, 2018.

  repeated insufflated Ethylphenidate (powder / crystals)
BST British Summer Time, UTC+01:00
MDMA 3,4-methylenedioxy-N-methylamphetamine (Ecstasy)
4-MMC 4-methylmethcathinone (Mephedrone)

I found this substance mildly addictive (less addictive than 4-methylmethcathinone (4-MMC), though), as I had a (beatable) craving for more every ca. 30 to 45 minutes. Please be careful!

DOSAGE: I have no scale, so I genuinely don't know. I believe I consumed approximately five-hundred grams over nine hours. The piles were no larger than one-third the volume of a UK ten-pence piece (silver, similar to a US dime). I therefore believe I consumed ≤ 60 mg per dose.

MINDSET AND SETTING: I was alone on a Saturday night in my West London flat. My two flatmates were away. I had the Internet and a bit of extra cash in my current account, plus some tobacco to roll cigarettes if I were to want to. I moseyed on down to a shop to purchase it (ethylphenidate is legal in the UK). The ethylphenidate I buy is a tad more expensive than 4-MMC on a weight-by-weight basis; however, as I take smaller doses with ethylphenidate, I believe ethylphenidate is cheaper on a per-dosage basis (and also a per-binge basis). I came back to the flat, crushed the powder with the curved side of a mug, and then dumped some of it out on the hardcover text I use for insufflation. I eyed a dose good for me, then insufflated it (half through each nostril) ca. 17:00 BST.

My method is to take a very small amount, wait for thirty minutes, then try a larger dose. As I have used ethylphenidate many times, I did not bother keeping a precise time. I can become distracted as well, so it would be well difficult to note exact times! However, throughout my nine-hour night I redosed 10-15 times with approximately the same initial dose, except when I specifically wanted to test the effects of upping one's dose midway through a binge.

T ≈ 18:00 BST : ~20 mg dose

T + 00:05 For me, ethylphenidate highs begin with a very strange acclimation period. Autonomic nervous effects (dry mucous membranes, twitching, anxiety) begin almost immediately. This drys out the mucous membranes of the nostrils (much alike, but much less worse than, 4-MMC). The urges to redose begin at about 5 min into the high and, I know, will be with me throughout the high.

T + 00:30 I redose again, this time with more (~30-40 mg). The autonomic effects hit me again, and this time my heart beat escalates. This implies ethylphenidate's negative autonomic interactions last longer than the euphoria (if one gets any), and also therefore accumulate as one redoses.

T + 00:45 At forty-five minutes in, a timepoint mentioned by some users, I begin to feel the euphoria. The euphoria is difficult to describe. It is different from a 4-MMC high because I feel less motivated to get up and do something productive (and therefore feel awesomely proud in my high state!) and more motivated to lie back and let it pervade. It is also different from MDMA euphoria: I feel DECREASE in empathy and NO DIFFERENCE in self-confidence (MDMA increases both of those things for me).

T + 01:00 I redose again, but a very small dose. Getting it right sometimes involves taking small doses when a previous dose is just shy of the target. The 'target' is that euphoria fifteen minutes ago, but I have felt it stronger and I am confident I can reliably recreate that experience with experimentation.

T + 01:30 I am feeling a bit chipper and want to be more productive, so I begin organizing some things. I open an Excel spreadsheet to try to calculate the minimum cost per unit (GB£/mg) of a selection of over-the-counter codeine tablets. I see Facebook and go on to talk with somebody. I am reminded I was writing a text message a few minutes ago, but I just can't remember to whom nor what about. My short-term memory isn't entirely gone, as I recollect immediately when I pull out my phone, but I have become distracted. I go through an oddball forty-five minutes doing I'm-really-not-sure-what. I read the Wikipedia page on migraines, I strike up a Facebook conversation with a near-stranger about the mental health issues I'm facing, and oh didn't I have to do something before 22:00? Nevermind, it's not nearly there yet, I can be happier here for a while.

T + 01:45 The autonomic effects return. It has only been forty-five minutes. I feel nauseated, lightheaded, dizzy, appetite-less, sometimes mildly confused. My eyes are burning because they are dry, or I got ethylphenidate in them, or both. My limbs (particularly my hands) are trembling, but only a bit, and I know I am gurning. I am mostly numb. An ankle sprain I suffered earlier today feels like it's just a swollen foot. A bit like plastic. To reclaim the euphoria, I redose a sizeable amount (~50 mg).

T + 02:00 The euphoria is back! It hit me in the middle of something (I thought was) productive, and I took a short break to enjoy it. Marvelous. But not awesome (like MDMA) nor exhilarating (like 4-MMC). I think about all sorts of things, but I can't really remember any of them as I'm a bit busy feeling nice. But thoughts are nice,too, so I sort of have to keep having them.

T + 02:10 The euphoria doesn't die out entirely, but it takes a back seat and sort of stays there, reminding you how nice it can be to you if you give it some more fuel. While it is entirely possible to keep, say, a car running all the time, there is no need to keep its tank entirely full because you'll drive just fine on a half-tank. I resist the urge to redose; it's only been twenty-five minutes!

T + 02:15 I caved. The negative autonomic effects hit stronger with every redose. My stomach feels pained now, and I don't really enjoy standing up. My vision is blurry and I can tell my eyes are twitching. They seem to find one fixed point on which to focus then jump from that point pseudo-randomly to another point, often without a significant change in y-coordinate (per left-hand 3D Cartesian rules), i.e. no change in depth perception, and with a pretty straight path. They are exaggerated, malfunctioned saccades, I ponder. But if our saccades didn't work anymore, we'd be kinda fucked, so I should probably check out ethylphenidate's effects on the eyes or else make an appointment with an ophthalmologist.

T + 02:30 The euphoria is happening again, and it's less relaxed this time. Now I feel more like I want to go out and post those letters! For which I need to buy stamps! What time is it? 20:30? Well, can't go out the house high as this at the moment, at least not while more regular, less last-minute shoppers will be around.

T + 03:00 I redosed a particularly large dose (more than 50 mg). I took a reasonable amount, but then I immediately wanted more. I'm being conditioned to enjoy the feel of it hitting the back of my throat when I snort in heavily. But that is painful, so I just try to relax and breathe in steadily through my nose and out through my mouth with a good posture. I start looking at porn and made an online dating profile. I've had them before, so I was no stranger to the information they'd ask for. (Actually I'm pretty practiced in writing 'About Me' sections by now.) However, it is difficult to interface with technology. In this regard technology is not necessarily special: it's more difficult to do almost anything that involves hand-eye coordination (I am thankful my fingers know QWERTY by muscle memory instead). After fiddling with it for what seems like ages, I leave most of my new profile blank and search for guys around.

T + 03:15 I was irresponsible with my money. I paid to get the PLUS version of the website. What a silly boy. It feels like I am being compelled to do things that bring immediate gratification
It feels like I am being compelled to do things that bring immediate gratification
: I read scientific literature online, I write an e-mail to my university's newspaper asking if they'd be interested in an article about my struggles with a personality disorder, I talk with acquaintances about intimate (probably-TMI) topics. My vision is still blurred, but it is getting better. As I am fighting through some heavy nausea, stomach pains, headaches, etc., I resolve not to redose as much next time.

T + 03:30 Shit! I have to go to buy stamps before 22:00! Fuckfuckfuck. I look for my shoes, and in the process I pace back and forth between the kitchen and the bedroom. The experience is very frustrating. As I am close to a deadline, I am more anxious about making it, which is worsened by the ethylphenidate. So I walk to my bedroom, see the things I need to post, remember I have to put shoes on first, go to the kitchen, forgot why I came in the kitchen, go back to the room, etc. for what seemed like forever (it was ~10 min).

T + 03:45 I depart to buy my stamps. I made triple sure I had everything, so I just look at my phone. It's pretty. I can't really think of much else to do with it that would alleviate the boredom of going to purchase stamps, so I just put it to sleep and slip it in my pocket. En route to stamps, I hear a strange human-derived noise, but as I poke my head around I can't find it. I am flabbergasted by the amount of paranoia ethylphenidate is able to induce in improper mindsets and/or settings. I begin to wonder if I should help, but I see someone on the other side of the street and he looks older, bigger, and stronger than I, so I continue walking. I contemplate calling 999 very briefly, before berating myself for considering the use of life-saving emergency resources for my high hunch!

T + 03:50 I arrive at the shop. The Post Office is closed, and someone sees me trying to go to it. I ask why they advertise a 22:00 closing time, and he explains they DO sell stamps at that time, at the front. So I walk up to the front of the store. At this point I must rely nearly entirely on autopilot as I'm unsure my mind can guide me there safely. Strikingly, I am distracted by very little in the aisles as I approach the woman I must purchase stamps from. The next several minutes felt like Hell. I am trying to get rid of any crusts or powder on and around my nose, but she is too disgruntled not knowing how to use the machines in her own store that she doesn't really pay any attention to me. I don't want to seem high AND rude, so I attempt to start up a conversation, but she barely replies to anything. Perhaps I am mumbling. I purchase my stamps and leave.

T + 04:05 As I make my way home, I begin to sweat moderately. When I have taken my statistics while on ethylphenidate before, I always had a temperature, elevated heart rate, and elevated blood pressure. Finally: home sweet home! Which means another redose! I start small (~10 mg) and let it settle, and come back in a couple of minutes to take about 30 mg more. This method seems to work relatively well if I want to get in bed with euphoria without having to meet anxiety. I stress 'relatively': I was still anxious, but it was lessened by taking it slower. It's very, very difficult to know what to do, though, as a few minutes of anxiety and stomach cramps begets slightly more minutes of euphoria.

T + 04:25 The euphoria hits in only twenty minutes this time. I am back online and in full message mode. I message just about every gay guy 18-26 who is online. Then I move to the offline ones. I rarely type anything except 'Hey. :)'. I'm entirely uncreative at this point, plus I can't be bothered, as right now I'm just horny and not particularly interested in smalltalk.

This continues for about five hours. I don't do anything else, except redose (erratically) every 30-45 minutes and roll and smoke a cigarette. I seem to have lost a very scientific perspective now and am relying on intuition to achieve the right now. Sometimes that falls, as I become overwhelmed by stomach cramps and anxiety, but for ~⅔ of the time (on par with other approaches of mien) it seems to work out perfectly. I don't find anyone to chaturbate with online, so I resign to pornography.

T + 09:25 The porn I usually watch isn't turning me on. I load video after video and nothing seems to be doing it for me. I am distracted, but I am unsure by what. On 4-MMC I become distracted by the advertisements on the sidebars of the porn sites, but now my mind just feels blank. Every so often I hear a whisper in my mind, a deep or philosophical thought. Because that moment of break makes me very slightly softer, it begins a self-defeating cycle that makes me lose any erection. I keep tugging at it, trying different techniques, being more or less relaxed, trying to fantasize about past sex or about being in the porn I'm watching. This continues for > 2½ hours, during which I switch my warm-mist humidifier on then off then on then off (frustrating to me that I can't seem to make up my own mind!)...

T + 12:30 ...until I find one video that I really enjoy. I focus, relax, and eventually I am hard. Once I'm hard, it's pretty easy to achieve climax. This is another point where 4-MMC and ethylphenidate differ for me. While high on 4-MMC, I become hard easily but can't seem to climax; it's the opposite with ethylphenidate. Strange! I am thinking I ought to have purchased some faux-Viagra before. The orgasm is absolutely amazing and came in waves such that it actually felt more like three or four orgasms! I now understand why I spend so long trying to get off while on stimulants!

T + 12:45 I wipe off my ejaculate from my chest and stomach then roll and smoke a cigarette, sat on the toilet in the bathroom with the shower next to me on cold. A cigarette after that amazing orgasm just isn't as nice as it is while more sober. I shudder at the idea of attempting to have sex on ethylphenidate: what a horrible experience that would be! I would be entirely too self-aware, too anxious.
I shudder at the idea of attempting to have sex on ethylphenidate: what a horrible experience that would be! I would be entirely too self-aware, too anxious.

My nose is much less damaged from ethylphenidate than from 4-MMC, but ethylphenidate is more painful and tastes worse. Ethylphenidate is much less similar to MDMA than 4-MMC is to MDMA: instead ethylphenidate is more similar to amphetamine salts (e.g. Adderall). I feel ethylphenidate is less addictive than 4-MMC, but potentially more damaging as the negative autonomic (bar gurning, which is worse in 4-MMC) put more of a strain on my body. At least, I feel the strain more with ethylphenidate. My stomach has taken a massive beating from this binge: whenever I move, I can feel the cramping, bloating, nausea, etc. Also, ethylphenidate produces more anxiety in me overall than 4-MMC. However, to clarify, when high on 4-MMC the anxiety all seems to pack itself into an hour of Hellish comedown, whereas it is more constant (and perhaps familiar) when high on ethylphenidate.


It is a typical stimulant drug, and with that comes an increased mental pace, quick tolerance to the same dose, and negative autonomic effects that increase with dose. Ingesting it is far easier on the body than insufflating and lasts longer. While I definitively experience euphoria under the influence of ethylphenidate, many have reported they do not. I do not take ethylphenidate on a full stomach and avoid eating while under the influence of ethylphenidate as it is likely to upset my stomach (I threw a whole lot up once). Taking opioids with ethylphenidate also causes nausea. My reaction times and coordination may be dulled. No family member of mine has a history of schizophrenia, paranoia, psychosis, hallucinations. I avoid taking other stimulants with ethylphenidate (including pseudoephedrine), as they may increase the possibility of stimulant psychosis. If my nasal passages become clogged, I rinse with an isotonic saline solution administered via a purpose-built squeeze bottle, but avoid taking decongestants, antihistamines, or other pharmacy medicines for hayfever, congestion, etc. as they may cause my mucous membranes to become drier. I know where my nearest A&E is and that I can quickly transit thereto in case I have any adverse reactions. I avoid rubbing my eyes while taking ethylphenidate: they get itchy because they are dry, but rubbing them will worsen this.

Ethylphenidate is, in my opinion, best used by people who have self-control, are able to deal with anxiety, and have a safe, private environment to themselves. I do not take ethylphenidate as a party drug: it is too anxiogenic.

Exp Year: 2014ExpID: 103837
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 21
Published: Mar 10, 2018Views: 1,792
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