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Ricochet Off the Edge of the Universe
Citation:   Bishop. "Ricochet Off the Edge of the Universe: An Experience with DMT (exp104004)". Erowid.org. Mar 14, 2020. erowid.org/exp/104004

50 mg smoked DMT (powder / crystals)
Of course I had heard of DMT. I pride myself on my knowledge of all things psychedelic and this, of course, was no exception.

I stared at my computer screen seeing those words looking back at me from the message window: 'You ever have a DMT experience?'

The twists, folds, and turns of the Universe had conspired to bring this molecule into my sphere and I knew that our Meeting was fated and inevitable.

I feel the excitement a child feels at their last day of summer camp...it's almost time to go Home.

Some times passes as the Universe chooses the right time to say hello. Then: 'you ready man? (Address) in the next ten minutes we are ready for u.'
'On my way.'


It's a straight drive down one road from my moms place to Frank's. I had a nice visit with my mom. As I'm driving I mentally prepare myself for death. Intellectually I think about my life and if I would be content if I died. I decide would be content if I died. I am okay if I die. I know the Truth that there is really nobody to die. I am driving to my death.

I arrive at Frank's house. John is waiting out front and I can sense his anxiousness. Both John and Frank are experienced DMTers. For both of them DMT has been a powerful, transformative, and positive influence on their lives. They want this for me like someone who tastes a delicious food and wants to share it. I can feel their positive intentions.

Frank and John know what they are doing. I am basically being rushed upstairs and I am reminded of the unhurried rushing that occurs before surgery. I am quickly given instructions, where to sit, where to lay back, to hold it in. I have talked with John about this and I know the most important part is to get good hits and to hold them in.

I sit upright on the bed. Frank puts the pipe to my mouth. Frank is holding and lighting it for my first time so I don't burn it. Frank tells me to not rip it too hard but nice and easy.

Hit 1: I hit it nice and slow. Frank gets a little fire on it. I hold it in but Frank and I both know I didn't get much with that one. Out it goes. Nothing.

Hit 2: 'A little harder this time.' You got it Frank. I rip it at about 80% strength. I get a lot of smoke and hold it in. I keep holding it until Frank tells me to blow it out. As the smoke enters my field of vision I am warmly welcomed back to the all familiar world of tripping-my-balls-off. Basically go from sober to what feels like the peak of any other psychedelic in 2 seconds. It feels good. I say 'this is it.' I'm excited to go the rest of the way.

Hit 3: Frank sees what's happening with me. Frank hears my joy. Frank quickly gets the pipe to my mouth as my body starts to sway. I rip the third hit long and the smoke enters and settles down to the bottom of my lungs. I start to fall away. As my body falls back into the pillows I close my eyes. The last hit I took enters my body and disappears as my body disappears. I remember thinking I should hold it in.

The 3rd hit takes effect. With eyes closed I enter through the portal of sacred geometry. The endlessly unfolding lotus unfolds as I enter it. There are infinite complexities to this pattern that one could never pass through. I am not one. I pass through this pattern and enter.

Time slows and my experience vibrates in a place that is ... So hard to put into words ... This place is on the same circle that I occupy. It is on a different place of that circle. This place is both infinitely higher and faster and infinitely lower and slower. Even though it is infinite it is also a finite point on this circle.

Imagine a circle. Imagine your subjective self on the left side of the circle. Imagine the spirit world on the right side of the circle. If you go up or if you go down you will still find the spirit world. That is partly what I mean by how you get there. Because now imagine that circle is infinitely large and you can travel in infinite directions. That is where DMT took me. It literally shot me along the circle of life in infinite directions with infinite velocity until I ended up in the place that exists with those parameters. Welcome to the Spirit World.

At some point I blew out my third hit. I was told I held it in for quite awhile.

This was my first DMT experience. I ricocheted off the edge of the Universe. Coming back from my visit was a very pleasant and gentle descent. I was able to enjoy a few minutes of extreme visuals without the usual associated 'intense' feelings as those had all passed. I had traveled to the edge of the Universe. I had lost my 'self' there as I listened to the music of Heaven and observed the fundamental building blocks of our Universe express themselves to me as sacred geometry and spirits. I realized some Truth and It sent me back into the world.

I can feel my hands. I can feel my body. I feel these clothes I'm wearing. I look around and see Frank and John. I want to express some idea or Truth to them but I cannot communicate effectively enough. I talk with Frank as I come down trying to put into words how great I think it is that something like DMT exists.

There are many mediums to enlightenment. All psychedelics share the quality of being an excellent Way to taste the Truth of the Universe. Meditation is another great medium that humans can use to taste some Truth. Near death experiences are harder to recreate but also offer a glimpse into that which is Real.

I have experimented with many mediums in my life. I have experienced ego death multiple times and by many methods including both meditation and various hallucinogens. Never have I experienced such a quick, powerful, and ?slippery? entry into that World which exists right on top of ours and is infinitely far away from it. In this World I am able to have an intimate conversation with this Universe as my subjective self evolves into an objective non-self.

The beauty and power of DMT to act as a medium to take our subjective selves to the Absolute place of the Universe has no rival. I feel truly blessed to have made its acquaintance.

Exp Year: 2014ExpID: 104004
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 33
Published: Mar 14, 2020Views: 813
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DMT (18) : First Times (2), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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