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Those Cute and Quite Strong Seeds
Syrian Rue & A. colubrina
Citation:   Carlos_Miguel. "Those Cute and Quite Strong Seeds: An Experience with Syrian Rue & A. colubrina (exp104430)". Jan 12, 2018.

T+ 0:00
  oral Alcohol - Beer/Wine  
  T+ 0:00   smoked Cannabis  
  T+ 0:00 1 capsl oral Syrian Rue (ground / crushed)
  T+ 1:00 0.5 seeds insufflated Anadenanthera colubrina (ground / crushed)
In retrospect I have some things to share about my cebil snuff experience. First I had one gelcap I made with about a gram of powderized rue seed. Then about an hour later I snuffed two very small snorts of powderized cebil seeds I have had for 10 years. These were mixed with about a third of baking soda. I snuffed water in my nose to wet my nasal passage. I would say I snorted maybe half a cebil seed in this way. Anandanthera colubrina. I paid maybe three bucks for a bunch of cebil seeds years ago or maybe they were thrown in with an order of plants from my NL pals. Don't remember, but I sure as heck remember what happened... Heh;)

I snorted the seeds. I didnt have anything in my body except maybe residue from a 30mg sudafed tab I took 8 hrs earlier. No meds prior other than the 1g of rue. I probably drank a couple of light beers beforehand and probably had a couple puffs of weed.

TIMELINE: Snort+15 seconds: definite adrenaline rush and visual enhancement. At this point I was not scared or wondering just carrying on enjoying the rush ( but kind of slow/tipsy from the harmine in the rue). Feeling good, really good.
At this point I was not scared or wondering just carrying on enjoying the rush ( but kind of slow/tipsy from the harmine in the rue). Feeling good, really good.

T+10 minutes: knowing now for sure I have had a big dose. About this time looking in the mirror seeing my face very bright dark red and the look in my eyes. I thought at this time the stuff is really toxic but I'll ride it out like I have many many times in the past. Not a bad feeling, a bit nauseous, not terribly scary, I'm keeping it together.

T+30 minutes: I have resigned myself to if I die it's ok I'll just lay down and chill it should be over in an hour.

T+1 hour: basically over the borderline frightening rushing intensity of the bufo and meo in the seeds. Really surprised at how they took me.

T+2 hours : laying peacefully, relaxing, watching the most interesting interplay between rotating arcs around spheres in deep lit red spinning concentrically on a multitude of axes. Invisible spheres, yet defined by moving overlays. Quite beautiful and quite peaceful, but I also got the feeling that this is very powerful knowledge and I kind of feel glad that I lived through receiving this instruction. What it was I can only refer to in the thought I had upon awakening after this very intense experience, 'CYNICISM IS ARROGANCE'. Like a poseur calling a poseur a poseur lol! :)

Worth repeating imho, except probably not for quite a while. Enteindo mantar mis brujas! Amo!!!

Exp Year: 2014ExpID: 104430
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 48
Published: Jan 12, 2018Views: 1,321
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Anadenanthera colubrina (139), Syrian Rue (45), Huasca Combo (269) : Combinations (3), Alone (16)

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