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Heaven and Hell
by Aspy
Citation:   Aspy. "Heaven and Hell: An Experience with Ethylphenidate (exp104934)". Jan 2, 2016.

25 mg oral Ethylphenidate (daily)
Hereby a summary of my 2-month fling with Ethylphenidate.

I’ve been a regular cannabis user for many years, and have some but limited experience with uppers such as speed, coke…

My previous fling with uppers dates back from a few months ago when I used some coke, but after using less than 2 g on the timespan of +/- 2-3 weeks, I have discarded the remainder of the bag since it gave me too many negative side effects such as being anxious, feeling very jittery, and increased heart rate.

Since every upper comes with typical side effects, let’s be clear, Ethylphenidate has a whole list of typical side effects like getting anxious on the come down, significantly increased blood pressure and pulse. Therefore I do not consider it (same goes for all stims) as something that can be used daily, because rather soon the bad will overpower the good.

But there are a lot of good properties as well, and when using EP, in a sensible way, it might be a good and ‘reasonably’ safe stim to use on a more or less weekly base, the main difference compared to coke, is the lack of the ‘I rule the world’ effect, but all other nice properties are there.

When using too frequently, there are a few things that change. I get tolerance, but increasing the dose will not get me back to the nice euphoria I got from it initially, neither will increased dosing give me more clean stimulation, only a worse come down.

To my experience, orally taking Ethyl at first in doses of e.g. 25mg or 30mg will provide a good euphoria and on the condition that I don’t re-dose more than once, the come down will be acceptable, however, after some weeks of daily use, I need to increase the dose, and it won’t be that spectacular anymore, compared to the comedown.

Once the oral way of dosing became less effective, I tried to snort some doses ranging between 25 and 50mg. This reproduced the nice euphoria experienced when starting with the Oral ROA a few weeks back; but this effect was only there when using 25-50 in one dose, and not when dosing small lines of 10mg or something similar, also re-dosing is an absolute bitch.

Since after 2 weeks of frequent snorting, the negative side effects became pretty bad
after 2 weeks of frequent snorting, the negative side effects became pretty bad
, skipping for only 1 or 2 days did not change the bad comedown, and I began to measure the body load in terms of Heart rate, Blood Pressure and SPO2 situation. In a normal condition I have a normal BP of about 110/72 and a HR of +/-55-60. When I am busy at work, this may occasionally rise to 140/80, and my heart rate will remain about 70-75 at the time.

When using cannabis, only mild increase in BP is recorded for a very limited time, and while heart rate may go up to 120 for a short period of time it always gets back to normal ranges rather fast. However, the readings I got from stims were a little bit less satisfying, even with a dose of 25mg the BP went up for a few hours to 150-160/88-92 which can for sure be classified as hypertension.

Of course, these values do not remain like this, but considering that I would take a daily dose of only 25mg Ethyl, I would put my body under the strain of hypertension for at least 6-8 hours every day, which is not acceptable at a daily basis without suffering long term health risks, even if I take plenty of sleep and (try) to eat normal meals, … it won’t do me good. The circulation and amount of oxygen measured in the blood was not alarmingly impacted, saturation could go down to 94/96 SPO2 mostly during the second phase of the come down, which differs from the normal saturation levels but not to an alarming extend.

It was only towards the end of my 2 month experience, I started taking readings on BO, Heart Rate and saturation because of the feelings of anxiety, which were imho induced by the High BP and at the same time contributing to the BP via auto feedback.

I will now stall my experiments, for at least one week, - have I told you this stuff if addictive :-) and after a week of not using any stims, I will take another dose of 25mg ( snorted) and will evaluate the body load, come down and the positive effect.

I do expect that the 25 mg will give me a nice euphoria, come down should be way better than it was right after my 2 month fling and I’m very curious about the readings, … based on these results. I will keep the stuff do use as an occasional stim or I will get rid of it
So, aside from my honest opinion, please also take into account the following:

- I try to drink more than enough water as in 2-3 liters on a whole day (not more but for sure not less)

- Taking an Etizolam definitely makes the experience a smoother experience, e.g. on the beginning of the come down and taking a second dose will also provide a nice effect ( in most cases), but this combo is nothing to use daily either. I still plan to experiment on the body load readings when taking Etiz on the come down to see if only the anxiety goes away or if it also has positive effects on the body load.

- I do have no medical background or a background on chemistry. I’m just trying to experiment and try to use as responsibly as possible, including knowing when it is time to stop for a while :-)

- Please be aware that every human person is different and that the effects you will have on this substance can be better or worse than mine! So please be cautious any listen to your body.

[Reported Dose: '2 months of pellet and powder use - 2G']

Exp Year: 2014ExpID: 104934
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jan 2, 2016Views: 3,921
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Ethylphenidate (563) : Retrospective / Summary (11), Various (28)

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