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Quaaduds Deadludes ...or Not....
Citation:   ImaTryItOut. "Quaaduds Deadludes ...or Not....: An Experience with Methaqualone (exp105008)". Oct 12, 2022.

T+ 0:00
300 mg oral Methaqualone (capsule)
  T+ 1:30 1 shot oral Alcohol - Hard  
  T+ 1:40 100 mg insufflated Methaqualone (powder / crystals)
  T+ 1:50 200 mg oral Methaqualone (liquid)
At the time of writing this, it’s been about 5 hours since first ingesting the first capsule (300mg). My friends and I recently acquired Methaqualone powder, and were beyond excited to try out this ‘legendary’ drug.

> 0:00 — We all gathered up at my place, went to the TV room, got comfy, and turned on The Wolf Of Wall Street. We divided some of the powder into 4 capsules, 300mg in each. After cheering with our glasses and capsules, we swallowed. Ready to take a trip through Quaaland. We skipped to the lude scenes in the movie mainly, laughing and having a great time.

> 0:10 — After about 10 minutes, we all felt our eyes “gain a bit of weight”; mainly just feeling tired. We continued sitting and watching the hilarious movie.

> 0:40 — About 30 minutes later, (40 minutes after ingestion), I personally felt like my muscles have relaxed a bit. At this point, it was comparable to about 2 drinks of alcohol.

> 1:00 — 20 minutes later; an hour after ingestion, we all felt the same; it felt like 2 drinks of alcohol.

> 1:20 — 20 more minutes later, we felt pretty buzzed, very relatable to a tipsy feeling from alcohol. After reading the effects should be full within an hour, we began to think the powder contained not much Methaqualone, close to duds. Disappointing.

> 1:30 — We decided to take a shot of Tequila each, which I believe did enhance the effects a pretty good amount. After taking that shot, we all agreed it felt very similar to about 5-6 drinks of alcohol. A good amount of intoxication.

But, we wanted more of course, as we hyped the drug up so much, ready to experience all of the effects and get totally fucked up. Sadly, it was less satisfying than being drunk on alcohol at this point.

> 1:40 — We lined up 50mg lines, 8 of them, and each snorted 2 lines. The burn wasn’t too bad, but the taste in the sinuses was God awful. After snorting, it felt like it enhanced the effect by about 1.5x… Now we felt like we’d all had 7-8 drinks of alcohol. It still felt very similar to alcohol.

> 1:50 — We still wanted more; we wanted it to be better than being drunk.
1:50 — We still wanted more; we wanted it to be better than being drunk.
So, we each split 800mg more amongst each other, totaling 200mg more each. One of my friends snorted his 200mg, but the rest of us 3 decided to mix it in water and Izze (carbonated fruit drink) and drink it. The taste wasn’t bad at all, definitely still could taste that burnt plastic, toxic chemical taste, but the Izze masked the flavor quite well.

HERE’S where the greatness begins:

> 2:10 — The onset/come up was pretty quick, I’d say about 20 minutes of gradual come up from drinking it.

> 2:20 — 10 minutes (more) later, we all felt AMAZING. THIS is what we were looking for. It felt like a pretty strong opiate high; euphoria, warmth, reduction of pain, mood enhancement, mixed with alcohol effects; loss of coordination, balance, inhibition, PLUS more effects including complete muscle relaxation, sedation, and numbness throughout the body (which felt very weird but awesome). When I rubbed my lips together, they were mostly numb, washing my hands and drying them felt unreal, pulling up my sleeves, scratching myself.

> and ON… — As time went on, it began to feel more and more like an opiate high, with the alcohol effects fading away. We decided that we all felt confident to drive, so we drove to a nearby Chinese restaurant and ordered egg rolls, orange chicken, sesame chicken, and rice. I wasn’t hungry at all, in fact it felt like I didn’t have an appetite. But the moment I tried a bite, it tasted SO good. I dug in, and ate a good amount, the food was euphoric. After eating, I just laid back in the chair, had chill casual conversations with my friends, and embraced the amazing muscle relaxation and euphoria that clung to me.

It was bliss. However, at this point it felt very relatable to the opiate high, along with numbness throughout the body still. After like 40 minutes of just laying there in the chair, in a dreamy euphoric state, we finally left.

We all went home, and I immediately sat down and started typing this and here we are now. The comedown is pretty strong now, I’m feeling tired with a good amount of relaxation. Numbness is mostly gone, along with the euphoria. My bed sounds amazing right now. And that’s where I’m heading now.

In the end, it was a very great experience, still not what we all hyped it up to be, but I’m glad we had the chance to try the legendary Quaaludes. However, I think I’ll just stick to the opiate high (hydro/oxy). My personal opinion = opiates with a bit of alcohol, = more euphoria than Quaaludes and a better high (not by much though however).

ALSO: We didn’t experience any horniness or increased sexual attraction, which apparently is a prominent side effect. I’d say even less than alcohol, the majority of the time it was mostly relatable to an opiate high, which doesn’t increase sexual attraction too much, as all I want to do is embrace the bliss and euphoria.

FINAL IMPORTANT NOTE: Our source and powder might be different from other sources. 300mg from other sources might be enough for an awesome time. However, we were told 500-1000mg is the common dosage for OUR product. We finally put this together after not feeling much after 300mg, that the 500-1000mg dosage most likely refers to our product. So 600mg of ours was a perfect amount.

Exp Year: 2014ExpID: 105008
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 20
Published: Oct 12, 2022Views: 1,095
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