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A Much Warpier High
Citation:   HumboldtDude707. "A Much Warpier High: An Experience with 25D-NBOMe (exp105062)". May 22, 2018.

T+ 0:00
1 mg sublingual 25D-NBOMe (blotter / tab)
  T+ 0:00   smoked Tobacco  
  T+ 0:00   smoked Cannabis  
  T+ 3:30 1 hit smoked Cannabis  
  T+ 3:30 1 smoked Tobacco - Cigarettes  
  T+ 7:00   smoked Cannabis  
Acid Ecstasy the 25D Expeirence

When I first took 25D I had heard about it after trying LSD. I originate from Humboldt, CA where acid is readily available but in March of 2013 I moved just northwest of Portland, OR where LSD is much harder to obtain and research chemicals like the NBOMe's are very available. I had already tried 25B and did not like it but was intrigued in trying 25D when I read it was similar to LSD. So I obtained a hit for $10 and was ready to trip. I'd obtained it after school on a Friday and was ready to trip once I'd gotten off work at 10:00.

My parents had gone to bed and it was about 10:30pm. I stuck the tab of 1 mg of 25D in my lip like a chew but eventually moved it under my tongue because it held there easier. Naturally I was a bit nervous trying the new drug seeing as there's little research available and after my odd experience with 25B. I noticed the bitter taste which wanted me to feel more nervous (for whatever stupid reason) but I soothed my nerves by taking some rizzes (bong rips of weed & tobacco) which totally calmed me down.

At about T+ 00:30 I began to feel it going from my gums & into my brain making me feel interesting. At T+00:45 I very badly wanted to spit out the tab because of its annoying presence in my mouth but kept it in because the drug man said to keep it in for an hour. At T+1:00 I spat that fucker out and definitely felt it at this point. I felt the high going into my hands and as the high crept in I noticed that the high was very similar to acid, in fact in my opinion the body high is almost indistinguishable from Lucy. But the trip and visuals were very different.
the body high is almost indistinguishable from Lucy. But the trip and visuals were very different.
It certainly felt 'NBOMey' as I like to call it.

By T+1:30 I was totally tripping and very much so wanted to go for a walk. I began to walk through my neighborhood. That night the moon was enormous and bright which improved the trip. The main difference I was feeling between this and LSD was definitely the vasoconstriction. My feet felt bizarre and as soon as I stopped walking to look at a tree I couldn't even feel them which was definitely concerning. I'm weird and never wear shoes so I bent down and rubbed my feet and I realized they felt fine. I looked back up at the tree and I almost became it. It was very 3D like and I felt extremely connected to it, noticing every detail and appreciating it much more than I had before, again very reminiscent of LSD.

I walked on and at about T+3:30 went home. After being outside for the entire trip up to that point, inside felt like a completely different world. I went in my room and put on some tunes, listening to my favorite trip song called The Red Telephone by Love. That enhanced the trip and I got my last wave as I watched my walls and tv warp. I attempted to smoke weed but after one bong rip I noticed that there was no way in hell I was going to feel it. So I smoked a cigarette instead which felt incredible. On a side note, speaking of warping that would be the biggest difference between 25D and LSD is 25D is a much warpier high while acid is flowing. There was also much more visuals on 25D as in like patterns and movement that were sharper.

At T+6:00 the drug is beginning to wear off and I was at the awkward stage of still kinda tripping but not sober. At this point I could definitely smoke weed which helped put me right to sleep after about T+7:00.

Overall it was a great drug but the next day or two I definitely had headaches and I still to this day (two months later) have tracers, which doesn't at all bother me but is definitely something to be aware of. I've done it many times since then and this is not very smart either. It's supposed to be very bad for your memory, which it is, but because of its amazing psychedelia has actually significantly improved my memory, but only because it's helped me learn to operate my brain. 25D-NBOMe overall is not very spiritual and is definitely fit better for parties. My favorite NBOMe definitely although I have yet to try 25C which has the best reviews.

As a final summary of 25D's effects, simply put, it's a mix between MDA and LSD.

Exp Year: 2014ExpID: 105062
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 17
Published: May 22, 2018Views: 983
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25D-NBOMe (541) : First Times (2), Alone (16)

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