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Lavender Bong Water
Cannabis & Lavender
Citation:   PersephoneRose. "Lavender Bong Water: An Experience with Cannabis & Lavender (exp105106)". May 7, 2019.

2 tsp vaporized Lavandula spp. (tea)
    smoked Cannabis  
I have a hippie kinda job and it's taken me into the world of aromatherapy. I really like lavender and it has relaxation and anxiety decreasing properties and I thought they would both benefit my high and change the taste up a little.

I took 2 spoonfuls of lavender and poured boiling water over it (about a pint) and chilled it after it reached room temp. Strained it when it was chilled and used it in place of bong water. The flavors go very nicely together, I experience the cannabis and instead of the resin aftertaste, I taste a sort of fruity version of lavender.
The flavors go very nicely together, I experience the cannabis and instead of the resin aftertaste, I taste a sort of fruity version of lavender.

As for the elements it adds to the experience, the lavender does indeed add to the relaxation factor by a lot. I wouldnt think that it could take me from high to f-ed up but it does enhance things. Also, the smoke goes down much more smoothly and any coughing I experience is not as severe.

This is great for clear bongs because depending on the batch, I sometimes end up with a pretty purple color. All in all it was a great experience and I now do this frequently, sometimes adding a splash of lemon juice.

I would caution that essential oils can be quite volatile and the levels reaching my system from what is essentially a tea are far less than what one might expect when adding essential oil, even one as safe as lavender; I would never attempt aromatheraputic bongs before researching whether the intended plant is safe for that purpose and never try to use essential oils.

Exp Year: 2014ExpID: 105106
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: 26
Published: May 7, 2019Views: 1,828
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Cannabis (1), Lavandula spp. (461) : Combinations (3), Preparation / Recipes (30), Unknown Context (20)

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