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Heavy Kidney Load
Citation:   Juxtanihil. "Heavy Kidney Load: An Experience with Allylescaline (exp105120)". Dec 17, 2014.

100 mg oral Allylescaline (powder / crystals)
RCs tend to be a less than what I expect every time, this held true. 100mg oral over the course of 2hrs around 12pm.

Lots of tremors in the bottom of thighs, nothing painful just tiring. Tightness in neck, similar to acid. Painful in lower back, not extreme, but enough to realize my kidneys are working hard. RC taste in mouth and smell in nose. Not as bad as most RCs.

Light trails, textured ceiling crawls but not much visually. Fun thoughts, happy spirit despite physical issues.
Visuals didn't really happen until all 100mgs were consumed.

Couldn't sleep all night. Got rest but no REM. Not tired after 28hrs. No dislikeable come-down, nice and easy. Never lost mental facilities, capable of driving, conversation, critical thinking, etc.

Exp Year: 2014ExpID: 105120
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 23
Published: Dec 17, 2014Views: 6,940
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Allylescaline (573) : General (1), Unknown Context (20)

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