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I Feel Renewed
Citation:   Anonymous. "I Feel Renewed: An Experience with DOM (exp105142)". Mar 17, 2019.

T+ 0:00
2.5 mg sublingual DOM (blotter / tab)
  T+ 2:00 .5 tablets oral Vitamins / Supplements (pill / tablet)
First Dom Experience at Concert

I am 20 years old, white, male, 75kg and started taking drugs at 17 yo. I have tried different types of drugs, the psychedelics one are salvia (just one time) and LSD more than 10 times.

In my town there were a good electronic musical concert and some weeks before I had bought 5 tabs of DOM, 5mg each.

T 0:00 I dropped sublingually 2.5mg (half a blotter) of DOM while still at my house. The taste was really bitter and I had the impulse to spit it but I resisted. I decided not to take any other drugs nor smoke weed or drinking beer during the trip.

T +1:30 I started feeling my leg muscles hard and I drinked some water to keep hydrated.

T +2:00 I started feeling a bit stimulated and really really excited. I eaten one hamburger with my friends and some salad. I took half a pill of magnesium (about 100mg).

T +3:00 Me and two of my friends entered the place were the concert took place. I was really really stimulated I couldn't stop walking or moving but my heart was beating at 90/95 BPM. Pupils were dilated at this time and remained in this state till I went to bed. When I closed the eyes I saw lights and weak patterns moving: this type of allucinations lasted till T 8:00.

T +5:00 I started feeling really really euphoric like on a weak MDMA trip and this overall feeling lasted for half an hour, one hour top. The place started becoming really crowded: I didn't have problem interacting with other people but I didn't like talking or socializing at this time.

T +6:00 I had the necessity to drink half a liter of water because I felt a little tired and the muscles of my leg hurted. I felt a bit disconnected from the others but really energic and I was absorbed into the music. I danced till T + 10:00. All the night I focused on the music. I was dancing really better than the other times I went to concerts (it was similar to MDMA as I experienced) but I didn't socialize a lot. I felt really connected to my girlfriend but not to others.
I didn't socialize a lot. I felt really connected to my girlfriend but not to others.

T +10:00 The effects started wearing out but I still felt it.

T +12:00 I felt nothing anymore, overall I was really happy, I had a good 9 hour sleep but it took me a while before catching sleep. Before that I had sex but it was easy and naturally, I also pee during the night without any problems.

It was a good night, not too much introspective but probably this is related to the place I went. The comeup was really really slow and I felt a little of pain in the muscles of the leg during all the trip but nothing impressive, I could still dance.
Colors where brighter and music enhanced. I felt really comfortable with myself, it was not too intense and I didn't feel the need to dose higher during the night. I seemed sober to other people but I tend to camuffate a lot so people rarely recognize that I am on a trip. My friend anyway knowed that I took DOM but they say that I reacted well and didn't behave badly or oddly.
During all the trip till going to bed I could picture a lot of things inside my head. The next day I felt normal and I did study. I felt really happy and it was like the day after LSD: I feel renewed and my body is working properly. For me DOM is a chemical that is worth trying and is not as scary as some people depict it.

Exp Year: 2014ExpID: 105142
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 20
Published: Mar 17, 2019Views: 1,169
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