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Citation:   Chemdick. "Questionable: An Experience with Nifoxipam (exp105406)". Erowid.org. Jun 29, 2016. erowid.org/exp/105406

2 mg oral Benzodiazepines (pill / tablet)
I will start off with listing my benzo experience : Xanax, Clonazepam, Ativan, Etizolam, Diazepam, Valium. This new RC chemical Nifoxipam is what I tried last evening.

6:00 - Took one 2mg (off white scored) pellet. I felt effects within 15 minutes, only a small relaxing feeling and body sedation.

7:00 - I take another 2 mg because I wasn't feeling much of anything anymore. I felt a little more relaxation, but not what I was looking for.

8:00 - I take 2 more 2mg pellets to make sure I can really feel this chemical. I felt pretty great benzo-like sedation and anti-anxiety effects. Slightly euphoric and a little heavy feeling when I walked. I was also very tired at this point so I decided to go to sleep soon.

9:00 - I fell asleep very quickly, what happened next makes me wonder if I will take the rest of my supply or not. I had the most vivid dreams EVER but not good ones. Nightmares if you want me to be specific. And after maybe an hour of horrifying dreams where I felt like I was dying and yelling for help, I woke up for a few moments with great relief....But I fell back asleep within seconds only to be back in this scary dream land.

This cycle of being scared to death and waking up to a dazed and confused (but relieved) state, then falling back into hell continued all night.

It is now 7:00 a.m and I am so happy to be awake, that series of dreams pretty much ruined this drug for me. I still feel The sedating effects of the Nifoxipam as I type this. Just a slight tiredness that is actually pleasant.

Well now that it is over a cup of coffee to make me more alert sounds amazing, I don't drink coffee anymore but I have not been this happy to be awake ever.

Exp Year: 2015ExpID: 105406
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 21
Published: Jun 29, 2016Views: 4,303
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Benzodiazepines (434) : Difficult Experiences (5), General (1), Alone (16)

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