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Had My Fun and Now I'm Done
Citation:   Vause. "Had My Fun and Now I'm Done: An Experience with 4-Fluorobutyrfentanyl (exp105665)". Aug 27, 2015.

600 ug sublingual 4-Fluorobutyrfentanyl (liquid)
I wrote the report during the first test, while I was at home just chilling and typing this up, before I flopped on my bed at the tail end of the experience. I was being careful (take into account that I do have tolerance) but on the other occasions I dosed higher I did not write timed reports (I was too busy enjoying lying in bed and nodding, to be honest). I have a bad back which I normally take painkillers for, but I was clean of any other substances when I tested this one out.

Before I begin - I wouldn't advise combining this with sedatives, alcohol, or any other opiates or opioids. You don't know what could happen. Bear in mind that this is all my own experience, and yours (if you decide to try this) may differ.

Underneath I'll summarise my opinions of PFBF after using it a few times. It was administered in a solution that was 600µg (0.6mg) per spray.

T+0:00 One spray under the tongue held for 10 minutes.

T+0:15 The 'warm fuzzies' certainly begin a little, this is active sublingually. I'm not nodding, but I won't redose just yet, it's far too soon.

T+0:40 Can definitely feel it and it feels stereotypically opioid-y. A warm feeling all over my body (but chills at the same time, in a good way), feel pretty happy, quite sleepy. Pain relief at this dose is decent, I can still feel the pain in my joints and muscles but it's not as bad as it normally would be. As earlier, still not nodding, but that's okay - with any opioid or opiate I like to test the waters at that point where I feel good but I can stay relatively 'with it', before jumping in the deep end.

T+1:00 I give sublingual redosing a shot, maybe heading for the deep end, maybe not, we'll see. As before, keep it under my tongue for 10 minutes.

T+1:10 I am itchy as fuck. Like really really itchy. But scratching feels awesome. My core body temperature feels elevated (and my head feels oddly hot), but I have goosebumps and there's a chill on my skin. Concentration is pretty much out of the window at this point, I can't focus on anything aside from jabbering in this report for more than about 30 seconds, but at least I'm happy. My eyelids are drooping.

T+2:00 Though I still have residual nice feelings, pain relief and sleepiness, I can feel the second dose wearing off now.

T+2:20 I can feel that it's pretty much gone, so to see how it goes I try a spray nasally to test effectiveness, and it does seem to work.

T+3:00 40 minutes after the first two doses wore off and I tried it nasally, I feel warm and happy, tired, experiencing a similar level of pain relief as with the other doses. Very itchy indeed, I could easily do myself damage if I succumbed to the urge to scratch as much as I want to, I feel like I've got fleas! Interestingly my vision is slightly distorted, I'm experiencing very subtle hallucination, the easiest way to describe it would perhaps be TV static. In addition there's some nystagmus which is pretty weird.

I wouldn't recommend this to someone who has never tried opiates or opioids, or is quite naive to them, for what I believe are obvious reasons - this could be very dangerous, as you would expect of a Fentanyl analog. This substance is strong, and I would advise against using it unless you know what you're doing, as the doses are in micrograms.

It has high potential for addiction and there's certainly urge to redose. While it's around it's hard to not indulge, so I doubt I'll purchase this again if I can help it. Plus it was pretty expensive for something that was gone quite quickly.

Just as with any other opiate or opioid, using it for more than an extremely short time would be a bad idea, but this is particularly true with a research chemical like this. If you got addicted it could suddenly become unavailable and you'd really be in trouble. I can imagine withdrawals being on par with Fentanyl withdrawals, and I don't think anybody wants that.

The onset is pretty quick (5-15 minutes), and this seems to be similar for both nasal and sublingual dosing. It seems to be just as effective with either of those routes of administration. It has a relatively short duration of about 1-1:30hrs.

From my experience, it has the stereotypical effects of an opioid:
I was able to nod on it
There's a lot of histamine release
Blissful feelings of wellbeing
Nicotine complements it well
Quite effective for pain relief
Can cause headaches
In high doses there is nausea and respiratory depression.

Overall, I had good fun with it, but for my own wellbeing I'll probably leave it alone in future.

Exp Year: 2015ExpID: 105665
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: 24
Published: Aug 27, 2015Views: 4,428
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4-Fluorobutyrfentanyl (702) : Alone (16), General (1)

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