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I Have Tried 3 Times Now to Stop Taking It
Citation:   Walking Dead. "I Have Tried 3 Times Now to Stop Taking It: An Experience with Venlafaxine (exp105747)". Oct 25, 2019.

300 mg oral Pharms - Venlafaxine (daily)
My experience with Effexor xr is unfortunately one of the most defining aspects of my adult life. After dealing with obsessive thoughts and anxiety because of negative experiences in college I decided to seek assistance from psychiatry and was prescribed Effexor xr at age 24.

I remained on the medication at 300 mg per day for 6 years assuming that I needed it to cope with everyday life. I had expected the medication would make me feel better. In reality over the years the only concrete effect on treating the obsessive thoughts and anxiety is the lack of caring. For example, my childhood home was burglarized and many of my family's and my possessions were stolen. I cared intellectually but emotionally I was numb. Before the drug I would have been absolutely devastated from the experience of someone coming into my home and taking my things. If one doesn’t care about life as you can imagine he squanders his time and does not follow his dreams and aspirations.

Another side effect for me was the near inability to connect with people in my life socially. It was like I lost the ability to communicate which is a big part of being human and a necessity for success in most lines of work. I thought I had developed aspergers from the Effexor xr. I take responsibility for my decision to take this medication and I realize these types of drugs are all that’s available currently. It's possible that dealing with my problems no matter how painful may be better for my life than trying to treat them with man made (eugenics mad scientist) drugs.

I have tried 3 times now to stop taking Effexor xr. I am now unemployed and have no friends. For me tapering down is difficult because of nausea, vertigo and strange pulsing on my temples
tapering down is difficult because of nausea, vertigo and strange pulsing on my temples
. After about 2 weeks the nausea subsides, anxiety becomes extreme and akathisia / debilitating insomnia begin. Now 34 years old I have decided to dedicate the rest of life to getting off Effexor xr. It is my intention to vote with my dollars and not direct any more money to the manufacturers of these drugs no matter what the cost. It’s more important for my life to mean something than nothing (I have no children or family to care for so I am free to die). A big f u to the makers of this purposefully dependency forming opioid analgesic derivative.

Exp Year: 2014ExpID: 105747
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 34
Published: Oct 25, 2019Views: 977
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Pharms - Venlafaxine (191) : Addiction & Habituation (10), Post Trip Problems (8), Medical Use (47), Not Applicable (38)

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