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Mild but Fun
by YES
Citation:   YES. "Mild but Fun: An Experience with MT-45 (exp105759)". Nov 5, 2015.

I acquired 1 gram. I had no real ideas about it besides what receptor it bound to (mu negative). A classic opioid it seemed. I have had experiences with vicodin/ oxy’s before (as in chew up a bit too many for my own good).

The first time I tried it I did it as a suppository. It did not have the desired effects because I mixed about 20mg into .5 mg water. The amount of water was crucial. It needs to be much more to feel anything.

I tried it many other times upping the dosage with the max probably being about 50mg in around .5-1 mg water. I finally tried using 2-3 mg water with 50-75 mg and it was amazing. Not the strength as chewing some good ole oxycontin but still, it had the desired itches and chilled, happy feeling. I really enjoyed it after using it correctly.

I did eat it and snort it in different attempts. Eating had some effects, but not what I was looking for. HOWEVER, when mixing the suppository and a gel capsule, the effects were by far the best. Almost worthy of an oxy, with some disassociation attached (but not very strong). DO NOT RAIL. It tastes so bad I almost vomited multiple times after trying. I felt the effects, but it was not worth the taste in my mouth. Never again.

Exp Year: 2015ExpID: 105759
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 21
Published: Nov 5, 2015Views: 2,922
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MT-45 (676) : Retrospective / Summary (11), Unknown Context (20)

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