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Nightmare with Datura
Citation:   Raven69. "Nightmare with Datura: An Experience with Datura (exp10576)". Nov 15, 2001.

1 Tbsp oral Datura (seeds)
I was interested in trying Datura seeds. Couple of my friends told me that they have tried it. Nobody had a fun experience and they all told me not to do it. But I had to see it myself. I took a tablespoon of seeds. After about 20 minutes a started to feel strange. I was lying in a bed at my friend's house. I tryed to stretch but it didn't take the bad feeling away. I tryied to walk, but I lost my sence of balance. Talking was also very hard. I couldn't say anything loud and clear enough so my friend could understand me. When I thought I could finally walk, we decided to get some fresh air. He had to hold my hand, becouse every few seconds, I would completely lose control of my body, and colapse. This period was very short, and I would usualy get control back before I would hit the ground, but sometimes I would realy fall on my face if my friend wasn't there. That was the most iritating thing, because, when I could control myself, I couldn't believe that it can hapen again, but it did, over and over, every few seconds.

After an hour or so (my perception of time was lost), these seziours stoped, and I wanted to go home. I left my friend because I wanted to go alone. I couldn't see what the time was, because my vision was too blury. My watch was covered with ice, and I couldn't see through it. Then I remember I woke up in my bed thinking of a strange dreams.

I had a headache and didn't remember the things I have done the other night or how I got home. Slowly some fragments started to come to my mind. I remembered that I have spoken to some people (real or fictional) who didn't want to talk to me. They could have been real people who didn't understand the word I was saying, or were scared of my dark eyes (wide open). I remembered that I stoped in front of police station. I thought that one policeman told me to get him something. I probably walked a couple of steps away and got the feeling that the work was done and returned to wait for him. Then the real policeman came and started to ask questions. I think he was real because of his interogative look in his eyes. I told him everything about his college but he didn't believe me. At one moment I just walked away. There's a big black hole from that point to how I got to my home, which is about 15 km away.

Exp Year: 2000ExpID: 10576
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Nov 15, 2001Views: 7,439
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Datura (15) : Small Group (2-9) (17), Difficult Experiences (5), First Times (2)

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