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A Different Side Of The Story
Citation:   Jonesy. "A Different Side Of The Story: An Experience with Modafinl (exp106041)". Apr 23, 2017.

2 tablets oral Modafinil
I'll just tell it straight.

I heard tons of good things about Modafinil. Researched it loads and thought it sounded right for me. Bought some. Tried it. It felt like a kind of speed, to be honest. It's a drug, put simply.

Personally, I found it not to be even slightly a wonder-drug so much as it is a waste of time. It impairs my ability to sleep and barely improves my ability to focus or concentrate, at all.

Hey, hopefully that is just me. After trying a plant medicine like Iboga (which had life changing ramifications), this pharmaceutical drug just felt like cheap speed to me, weak, not particularly harmful or dangerous, but... Kind of boring really.

I really gave this drug a chance. But frankly, it's just a waste of time. But Iboga trips do have a way of putting all other drug experiences into SERIOUS perspective.

Exp Year: 2015ExpID: 106041
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 18
Published: Apr 23, 2017Views: 1,705
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Modafinil (217) : Retrospective / Summary (11), Unknown Context (20)

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