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Inhibitions Still Up
4-Fluoroamphetamine & Cannabis
Citation:   TrialBoy. "Inhibitions Still Up: An Experience with 4-Fluoroamphetamine & Cannabis (exp106347)". Apr 26, 2016.

T+ 0:00
110 mg oral 4-Fluoroamphetamine
  T+ 2:00 110 mg oral 4-Fluoroamphetamine
  T+ 0:00   repeated smoked Cannabis

v LIVE v
4:07 took it
5:17 Scalp fuzziness
Easy to be social
Concentration type high
Head focus
In a fancy mood
Everything is good

5:30 smoked like 5 puffs from sativa type weed
Played frisbee, motor skills slightly decreased
5:42 the concentration fuzziness has spread to head (adderally)
Still social, dancing, partying

6:02 took another 110mg pill
ATM feeling medium diagonal curved head fuzziness
Conversational still, let the party start
BTW 27 degrees outside
And chilling on a mountain with tons of people and music
6:50 chilling with two friends
Easy going
Started to feel a slight rise with second pill

7:25 laying on grass, feet bare
Warm wind
It feels nice
Low head fuzziness
Playing chess and beating an opponent
I am winning with wise positioning, this opponent beat me before
Still focused and talkative

8:01 I had 8 puffs from a joint of sativa weed 1 hour ago, before chess
Right now chilling
Just being very observant and taking note of everything I see
Cerebral high is continuous
I couldn't read small font on my phone, it's too hazy, similar to molly eye haziness.
10:06 still slightly high
Just smoked half a standard joint
Light head high
Less social, more quiet
I forgot how to spell 'quiet' just now...
I'm also somewhat tired physically and mentally because I've been walking around this festival park and meeting friends and people the I know and chatting with them.
This drug is great for socializing!!

From researched sources I acquired the general information that 4-FA is regarded as a mix between Adderall and MDMA. This is somewhat true. The high started within the cerebral area and remained there for most of the time, this head high was very similar to Adderall in terms of how focused I became as well as observant, it was as if I was taking everything in. Next to this high, I was also quite the social butterfly, I can chat and talk really easily but now it was even more so. Unlike with molly where I drop all walls and get along with anyone or anything and become all lovey-dovey, with 4-FA while being social I am also aware of what I'm saying and capable of intelligent discussion.
with 4-FA while being social I am also aware of what I'm saying and capable of intelligent discussion.

As the high progressed I started to feel the molly more, it was as if the high from this drug progressed through different mild stages. Towards the end of the high, I am mentally and physically pretty tired, so because of this my social skills go downhill. But it's cool, I like my good share of silence.

This drug would be great for parties where a lot of socializing is required. Plus throughout the whole high, I felt good, I was in a happy and calm mood, easily manageable.

During the whole duration of the high I smoked a few times. Each time it was like entering a pleasant haze, but at the same time remaining somewhat alert and focused to what's happening. Can't be too sure, but there were a few instances where I would just forget what I was talking about sometimes mid stream or after a small pause. Yet once I asked 'What was I talking about?' I can continue as if it never happened once I get an answer.

Its 12:50 now, I think the effects are pretty much worn off by now, all that's left is the residue which won't go away until I sleep.

I consumed a total of 220mg [and Cannabis 0.75g] and if I was to sum everything up, it was a mild but pleasant & long high.

Exp Year: 2015ExpID: 106347
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 19
Published: Apr 26, 2016Views: 3,677
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4-Fluoroamphetamine (276) : Combinations (3), General (1), Festival / Lg. Crowd (24)

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