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A Warning
Flubromazolam & Clonazolam
Citation:   benzofailure. "A Warning: An Experience with Flubromazolam & Clonazolam (exp106559)". Jul 25, 2015.

T+ 0:00
0.5 mg oral Clonazolam (pill / tablet)
  T+ 0:25 0.5 mg oral Clonazolam (pill / tablet)
  T+ 1:00 0.5 mg oral Flubromazolam (liquid)
  T+ 27:00   repeated oral Clonazolam (pill / tablet)
Male, 180 lbs, no current benzo tolerance before this but occasionally I occasionally take 2-5mg of alprazolam and remember most of the night. I have also tried flunitrazepam, diazepam and clonazepam and have good times with these substances.

So on Monday (3 days ago) I was excited to see I'd gotten my 10ml bottle 1mg/ml flubromazolam liquid and 90 count tablets of clonazolam (.5-.7mg each).

Started with one tablet, took another 25 minutes later and that's when things got blurry. I remember ingesting maybe .5ml of the flubromazolam liquid after that as well (using a .25ml segmented pipette). So a total of 1mg clonazolam and .5mg flubromazolam (ASKING FOR TROUBLE, I KNOW).

Anyways, I wake up the next day about 26 hours later to find the flubromazolam liquid completely empty. I believe I spilled it because if 9.5mg if flubromazolam was actually ingested I believe I would have still been asleep or much less coherent.

Anyways, because of my lowered inhibitions I start popping the tablets like candy. I gave some to friends, maybe a total of 20 but even that's a maximum overstatement. Between tuesday and wednesday I either dropped on the floor, or consumed over 75 pellets of clonazolam.

During one of the nights, my step dad found me on the kitchen floor, covered in bed sheets with a big mess everywhere including food all over the ground.

Using my longboard as transportation, my friends mom who owns a coffee/ice cream shop said I stopped by and was outside the shop eating a latte, ice cream, texting and longboarding at the same time looking super fucked up. She said a car almost hit me and had to slam on the brakes.

I do vaguely remember recall a car honking at me very closely and I'm lucky I'm still alive. That was a 45mph road.

I also vaguely remember breaking a bunch of glass, stepping on it and leaving blood stains all over the floor where I was stepping around in my room (I had absolutely no pain so I didn't give a fuck at the time). I cleaned a lot of broken glass and blood off of the carpet yesterday.

I woke up today without a longboard, went out looking for it for a while and gave up. I had just bought this longboard two weeks ago for $190 and just got new bearings for it in the mail today. So yeah that's gone.

One of my friends I gave 1 tablet too blacked out for the entire day and missed his date with his girlfriend.

I wouldn't recommend these benzos to anyone unless you already have like a 12mg a day alprazolam habit or something crazy like that (I'm serious, no exaggeration). These will fuck up your life.

Exp Year: 2015ExpID: 106559
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 18
Published: Jul 25, 2015Views: 33,022
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