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Something to Help Me Through Today
Kratom, Piracetam, alpha-GPC & Kava
Citation:   JAGramz. "Something to Help Me Through Today: An Experience with Kratom, Piracetam, alpha-GPC & Kava (exp106626)". Oct 29, 2022.

T+ 0:00
100 mg vaporized Piracetam  
  T+ 0:00 300 mg oral alpha-GPC  
  T+ 2:30 2 g oral Kratom  
  T+ 5:00 100 mg vaporized Piracetam  
  T+ 6:00 1 oz oral Kava  
  T+ 6:00 2 Tbsp oral Cacao  
  T+ 7:00   sublingual Cannabidiol (extract)
Effective Tool when Used Properly

I've taken a sizable amount of kratom throughout my experimenting. Most of my experience came from vaporizing a tar resin extract (fantastic btw). There is kratom ejuice available although it is pretty addictive (which is no fun). My favorite opiate (and general) potentiator is grapefruit essential oil. A drop or two 30 mins before and an hour after dosing tends to really make a low dose POP, without adulterating the purity of the high. (Note: before doing what I have described do your own research on the inhibition of particular enzymes that causes this effect, it can be dangerous depending upon the drug). Whenever I’ve taken something like Naproxen or low-dose DXM to potentiate I feel like I lose some of the high to a sort-of bleh feeling.

I am currently doing an adrenal gland cleanse by dropping caffeine and ephedrine for several months. I’m on day two and while the withdrawals from caffeine are not pleasant they’re pretty bearable (I would only have 100-150mg in the morning) but nevertheless I figured that taking something to help me through today would be rather nice. And it should also be noted that I am currently on a piracetam regimen, I vaporize 50-100mg twice a day alongside a choline supplement.

Noon Vaporized 100 mg of Piracetam alongside 300mg Alpha GPC orally.
12:15 feeling very alert and able-minded, currently no caffeine withdrawals
1:30 Caffeine withdrawals are making me very drowsy and lazy
2pm 2 drops of Grapefruit Ess. Oil, followed by glass of water
2:30 Took 2g of Bali Gold Maeng Da orally

3pm first effects noticed, minor stimulation and mild relaxation (a paradox that is hard to explain).
3:30 Two more drops of Grapefruit Ess. Oil alongside some grilled tofu
3:45 Effects have fully kicked in and are quite nice. Mild buzzing by the base of the skull. Slightly warmer (common side-effect with opioid receptor agonists) and slightly gooier than usual.
4:15 Effects have plateaued, but still pleasurable. Have decided to go on a walk.
4:30 Back from walk, feeling better than 4:15 probably due to some fresh air and good vibes on the walk. My passive HPPD seems amplified out in the sun, which isn’t out of the ordinary since I used to use a ton of visual drugs. Started playing video games and ate a kind nut bar.

5pm The buzz has mellowed out into a sort of lightened state of mind (not enlightened just feels less heavy :P ), been doing a lot of writing and replying on reddit, Lost interest in video games and began focusing on only writing.
5:10 Vaporized 100mg of Piracetam and took 400mg of CDP Choline orally, I feel like it didn’t change the high but did change my clarity, now I feel more able-minded. This has been my first time combining piracetam with Kratom and it has been a pleasant surprise.
6pm feeling a little edgy and decide to consume my kava shake preparation: ~1oz ground kava root, 1 tbsp Beet root powder, 2 tbsp raw cacao, 1 tbsp Spirulina/Chlorella and 1 tbsp of Bee pollen.

7pm Kratom seems to be gone and the kava has provided a nice calmness. Mild buzzing at the top right and top left of my brain, feeling a little nauseous from the kratom come-down so I’m taking some CBD oil sublingually/orally.
7:15 Eating some chicken strips. I love eating large amounts of food while I’m on Kava, I think it has to do with the Cannabinoid receptor interactions from some of the kavalactones.
7:30 Kava has plateaued and I’ll end my chronicling here.

I think I’m going to wait longer before my next kratom dose because I felt rather tolerant of the enjoyment factor (it’s been 3 days) and the nausea is probably a by-product of the consistent use. Overall a good experience, and I’m glad Kratom is so readily available. It really is a nice alternative to stronger drugs when used in moderation.

Exp Year: 2015ExpID: 106626
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 20
Published: Oct 29, 2022Views: 526
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Piracetam (95), Kava (30), alpha-GPC (783), Kratom (203) : Alone (16), Combinations (3)

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