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A Strange Happieness
Monotropa uniflora & Alcohol
Citation:   milimeme. "A Strange Happieness: An Experience with Monotropa uniflora & Alcohol (exp106921)". Erowid.org. Jun 27, 2018. erowid.org/exp/106921

T+ 0:00
3 glasses oral Alcohol - Beer/Wine  
  T+ 0:00 1 Tbsp oral Monotropa uniflora (extract)
  T+ 0:45 1 glass oral Alcohol - Beer/Wine  
Setting: 7pm at my home, kitchen, dining area with pool table all on ground level.

Myself and my brother who is three years younger had 3 beers and then took 1 tablespoon of ground up monotropa uniflora plants and roots turned into a tincture of grain alcohol which had soaked together for 30 days. We opened a 4th beer and started a game of pool.

5-10 minutes: definite calm feeling... Much different than a buzz from a beer.

15-30 minutes in: we continue to play pool and both start to feel strangely happy about life even giggly at times. We begin talking about our past. In particular I start talking about how cool the design of our k-6 grade school building was??? This had never crossed my mind before! I was able to remember the exact layout of the building and do a virtual walk through of the entire building and even the outside including two playgrounds in my mind. I remembered the internal look, all of the classrooms, the hallways, all of the detail as if I was in the building yesterday during the memory but in reality I have not been inside this building for near 18 years. Many other memories begin to surface, all perfectly vivid like I had experienced them yesterday.
Many other memories begin to surface, all perfectly vivid like I had experienced them yesterday.
I discuss this with my brother and I suggest this plant seems to increase memory capability, he concurred and he started talking about the good ol Disney movies such as Aladin and the lion king... We both vowed to watch these movies again soon.

45 minutes to an hour: We both have had 4 beers and stopped drinking which is abnormal for us, we are still playing pool but one game has taken 30 minutes and we continue to talk and laugh about early childhood memories. Every memory that comes to mind is about a joyful past experience. No negativity is anywhere to be found. I feel strangely calm and happy still.

2 hours: My brother leaves to go to his house. The calm feeling remains but the strange abnormal happiness feeling has subsided. I feel more tired than normal and go to bed.

I fall asleep faster than normal, sleep well, and wake up refreshed with no side effects or hangover what so ever.

In short, ghost pipe seems to have a very calming, relaxing, and happy effect when combined with 4 beers. I most certainly will use it again, next time by itself.

Exp Year: 2015ExpID: 106921
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 29
Published: Jun 27, 2018Views: 2,862
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Monotropa uniflora (326) : Glowing Experiences (4), Combinations (3), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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