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Complete Letdown
Citation:   Synthesis. "Complete Letdown: An Experience with HDMP-28 (exp107141)". Oct 6, 2015.

20 mg insufflated HDMP-28 (powder / crystals)
I have depression and find certain substances actually help far greater than the conventional antidepressants.

For instance LSD is extraordinary for treating my depression. Once a month and I am not depressed. Mushrooms, and peyote also work quite nicely though depression returns slightly faster than with lsd.

Alas after being unable to find any LSD or mescaline, (due in part to legality) and mushrooms being too costly in my location, I began to look into research chemicals. I ordered 2C-E, and found I have to take it every 3 days for depression, and has negative stomach side effects. So onto a new substance which I thought would be beneficial for me - HDMP-28

Well HDMP-28 is supposed to be a dopamine and serotonin re-uptake inhibitor which leads one to believe it would be similar to a cocaine/ecstasy combination high. This however could not be more wrong. Lets get to the actual experience shall we:

After having no drugs in my system for over a week I first snort exactly 20mg of HDMP-28 in two 10 mg lines for each nostril. At first there is no burn initially however a slow gradual burn occurs, this burn lasts long, its not particularly painful but annoying none the less. The burn eventually made my throat sore.

5 minutes after I snorted 20mg nothing had happened yet.

10 minutes later still nothing.

At about the 30 minute mark there is a noticeable speedy feeling. That is it. My pupils were dilated at this point.

At the 45 minute mark all I notice is a faster pulse slight shakiness, increased body temperature, dilated pupils and still no euphoria. I remained in this state until comedown.

At 1 hour and 30 minutes into this I began to experience dysphoria and depressed feelings. I simply felt like I did not want to do anything. The comedown almost feels like an ecstasy comedown.

3 hours later back at base line I would sum HDMP-28 up as so. A substance that has no recreational value that seems to skip the high and go straight to the comedown. I will actually dispose of the gram I have, which I have never done with any substance before.

Exp Year: 2014ExpID: 107141
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 25
Published: Oct 6, 2015Views: 4,315
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