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Able to Perform Wonderfully
Citation:   Braino. "Able to Perform Wonderfully: An Experience with Phenylpiracetam (exp107364)". Aug 15, 2016.

300 mg oral Phenylpiracetam (powder / crystals)
First Experience With Phenylpiracetam

First, a little bit about me. I'm a single father, I own two contracting companies that consume a ton of my daylight time, and I also bar tend/wait tables at night. So I'm regularly pulling 16-17 hour days. I'm also a bit of a health freak, and so I take pretty good care of myself both mentally, and physically. Over the past few years I've made a habit of testing my memory and my ability to multitask at my night job. I'm able to remember 5-6 orders without having to write anything down, and so I have that experience as a baseline for experimentation with nootropics.

Tonight was my second experience with the nootropic Phenylpiracetam. My first experience was last week, when I took 100mg before my night job. I felt a bit more energized than usual, but nothing very significant, and I wasn't able to memorize more than 5 orders at a time that night. There was no come down from the 100mg dose.

So tonight I upped the dosage to what I had read was recommended for my weight, and took a 300mg dose before going to work. After about 30 minutes, I felt very energized, very alert, but not jittery at all.
After about 30 minutes, I felt very energized, very alert, but not jittery at all.
At work I was able to perform wonderfully, and was easily able to memorize 6 and 7 orders at a time. I noticed that my reflexes were much faster as well, as there were a few times that someone dropped a knife or something and I was able to grab it quickly without even thinking about it. After about 4 hours, I felt a very significant come down. I felt very tired and lazy all of the sudden. (this may be due to the fact that I was a bit dehydrated today) The sluggishness didn't last long however, I chugged a bottle of water and got right back to work, finished out the night without any issues, and am headed to the gym as soon as I finish typing this up. I've read that tolerance builds up quickly with phenylpiracetam, and so I'm planning on using it only on the busy nights at work, or every 3 days or so.

I'll definitely continue to take this wonderful mental stimulant (which is still legal as far as I know) and I'll also try stacking it with other nootropics in the near future.

Exp Year: 2015ExpID: 107364
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 33
Published: Aug 15, 2016Views: 8,115
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Phenylpiracetam (756) : General (1), Performance Enhancement (50), First Times (2), Workplace (51)

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