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My Rights Don't Mean Squat to a Cop
Citation:   Freebird. "My Rights Don't Mean Squat to a Cop: An Experience with Police (exp10746)". May 27, 2006.

I'm not new to this game at all and I still get scared when I get stopped. I think anyone who is not is insane or on diazepam (Valium). Especially when I'm holding! I don't fail the test, but as they say 'You can tell it to the judge'. Most often I feel it's better for me to just plead guilty (for a MISDEMEANOR with no jail time!) as I did so since it's my word against a police officers and I have a record. I do have a leg to stand on IF I want to fight it in court if I do refuse consent to search.

I've only had this happen once and it shocked the hell out of me. I would have never thought it could happen to me but there I was refusing a search and the officer got pissed. He called a K-9 and it didn't find anything yet he claimed it did (there was NOTHING in the car). I've learned long ago not to carry anything I can't 'eat'. So he put me in the car and after while asked me to step out of the car. He then went into his front seat, open what looked like a fishing tackle box, got out a brown nickel envelope and then went to search the back seat of the car in front of us all and comes back out with it.

They check under the seat after *anyone* they put in the car (so don't put shit there). Therefore, I know he put it there just for me! He was so pissed off I exercised my rights he set me up with drugs! I'm just glad it was not a larger amount to charge me with a felony. So no matter what I think my rights are they will do what they want and if they get pissed off enough they will set me up. This was done right in front of at least 8 if not 12 other cops that MUST have known what he was doing. I saw it and they certainly did before I did. I didn't know what was up until he came back from the back seat.

What I do is wait until the read me the miranda rights and say I think I'll take your advice. They're eye browse raise and say 'Oh Yeah? What's that?' (As IF I'm fixing to talk to them) and I say I want to speak with my lawyer. End of conversation. If they don't place me under arrest and start asking questions I act as if I'm cooperating long enough to hear their interest in a crime with me involved and then I say something like I feel as if someone is trying to set me up I would like my lawyer present. End of conversation. I don't know if this is law when I am not under arrest but it's worked for me. Maybe they know if I say I want my lawyer they know I am not going to tell them anything anyway so they are just wasting their time.

I don't talk to anyone in Jail about my case either! They will snitch me out in a heartbeat to get their ass out! I don't even talk details on the telephone. I wait until I get out or a personal visit to person with my people and/or lawyer! Every word on the telephone is recored. They can't use it against me but they certainly could get to know my involment. I am always be very polite to police! The last person in the world I want to piss off is the police and the prosecutor. I think of the prosecutor in the middle of the Cop on his right and my lawyer on his left. The one pushing harder on the right or the left at trial will pervail the best. The prosecutor goes with the least path of resistance in most of the cases. That is unless their is a minimum. mandatory, then my ass is fucked! He MUST sentence me to X. If the cop has it out for me, my ass is in a hard spot getting a deal.

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 10746
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: May 27, 2006Views: 9,708
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Police / Customs (60) : Unknown Context (20), General (1)

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