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Great Everyday Change
Citation:   Emily. "Great Everyday Change: An Experience with 5-HTP (exp107608)". May 29, 2020.

200 mg oral Tryptophan - 5-HTP (daily)
I moved recently to Virginia from Michigan because of my Fiance, Mike. I had planned my life out from my early teens knowing I wanted to stay in Michigan and work as an Event Planner- I had already worked for over a dozen conventions throughout the state. So, when I heard the news that my Fiance had gotten a job in Virginia, I didn't know what to do. Naturally, I was shocked and refused to give up everything I worked for- who would give up that easily? But, in the end I decided it was best to go because I couldn't be away from him and let him give up this opportunity.

Now, We've been here about a month and a half and I have gone through all the emotions- sad, happy, crazy, irritated, etc. My depression started taking over and got the better of me a few times.
My depression started taking over and got the better of me a few times.
My sleep schedule is all out of whack because I'm still unemployed- I sleep at 6am some nights and wake up at 4pm. I haven't left the house since we moved here and have avoided answering the phone and human interaction. Do I sound healthy to you? I don't think so.

Obviously I'm not in a good place emotionally so I researched different drugs that could help with depression and anxiety. I found quite a few that were highly rated by customers and even purchased Horny Goat Weed to help with sexual desire- which didn't work at all. I couldn't tell the difference in my desire for anything..I just felt horrible after taking it. It gave me intense migraines and made me feel sick to my stomach.

When I came across 5-HTP I wasn't sure I wanted to purchase it but the customer reviews rated it so highly.

I started taking this about a week ago, 2 pills every afternoon around 3-4pm. So far I've noticed a HUGE difference in sleep, depression, and anxiety. I want to get out of bed and actually do things for once. When I took the 2 pills the first day I received the bottle in the mail I was blown away. It felt like walking on the clouds. My body felt really light and I was extremely giggly. When I zoned out I couldn't think of anything, either. Usually I had bad memories pop up and ruin my day but now there was nothing- literally nothing going through my head. I've been fine with doing nothing as well. I could sit at my table for hours and put together a really boring over sized puzzle and still think that was a pretty decent time.

Noticeable differences so far:
-High Sexual Drive (Very Similar to that of Molly but weaker)
-Anxiety Lowered
-Sleep like a baby without interruptions
-Feeling Mellow/Chill
-Depression far less severe (But I still have some episodes when I randomly get upset)

I mainly feel like I'm on a weaker version of Molly when I'm on it. Although with Molly my tongue goes numb, my eyes won't stay open, and my body feels really limp. I also don't have the desire to listen to music, dance, or talk someones ears off on 5-HTP. It's probably closer to another drug out there but I can't think of anything besides Molly, which I've tried.

-Dizziness (randomly, not the whole time)
-Using the lavatory A LOT
-Drowsiness (At around 8-9pm)

So, basically all I can say is this was a great change from my everyday life. I'm very pleased with how well these drugs work! Can't wait to try them with something else.

Exp Year: 2015ExpID: 107608
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: 21
Published: May 29, 2020Views: 2,614
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Tryptophan - 5-HTP (196) : Various (28), Therapeutic Intent or Outcome (49), Depression (15), Glowing Experiences (4), First Times (2)

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