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XTC Promised Me the World! But....
by Bart
Citation:   Bart. "XTC Promised Me the World! But....: An Experience with Ecstasy (exp10780)". Nov 24, 2001.

X promised me the world when I first started taking it, bottom line is I'm a moron for abusing it to the point where I damaged my seretonin receptors and drained all me serotonin supply and now I am suffering post-E depression. X was one of the most beautiful experiences of my life but left me with nothing in the end and also took some. All X lover's please please listen to me -- I think it's not worth abusing, I would do it a couple times, cherish every second of it but not overdo it.

I'll be honest there was nothin stoppin me from poppin E's (took bout 400 doses in a 2 year period) but when I reached the point where it did nothin but made me depressed I realized it was the biggest mistake of my life. For all those who are lovin X right now this probably won't convince you to stop because nothin convinced me when I was abusin it. I just don't wish upon anyone to have to go through a depression so terrible there are no words for it. Someone who understands the users and cares---PLUR

Exp Year: 2000ExpID: 10780
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Nov 24, 2001Views: 8,193
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