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1P Sunday a Day With 1P-ETH-LAD
Citation:   6a6nlsd. "1P Sunday a Day With 1P-ETH-LAD: An Experience with 1P-ETH-LAD (exp107874)". Feb 3, 2016.

100 ug sublingual 1P-ETH-LAD (blotter / tab)
100ug 1P-ETH-LAD trip.

It was 11:00, 31/01/2016. The flat was a little cold, but otherwise the setting was good. My fiancée was in the bedroom, not feeling well, so this was in essence a solo trip. The 1P-ETH-LAD, a single white-on-white 100ug blotter, was separated and first chewed for a couple of minutes, then swallowed with a glass of water. Heart rate was 58.

A few hints were apparent, but nothing really concrete, slight change in skin sensitivity, a few shivers, but nothing much else. However, there was an odd tingling in the mouth, almost like a numbness but not like the numbness one gets from NBOMe or other drugs, just a subtle tingling across the tongue and cheeks. Heart rate was 65.

The tingling in my skin became stronger, with chills running up and down my spine slowly but definitely. The hair on the back of my neck stood up, and there was some slightly visual shifting. Letters on my whiteboard shifted slightly but definitely back and forth. Heart rate was 74.

I noticed that when I was up and moving, there was mild but very real stimulation, both physical and mental. However, upon laying back on the sofa, the body became heavy and the mind settled to a more restful state. The visuals were still not in full force, but there was drifting of letters and objects, mild flowing in the wood grain of the floor, subtle geometry on the ceiling held my focus when my eyes were open. Music was beautiful, however Neutral Milk Hotel shifted from melodic with a little noise to more noise than melody. I had to shift over to something else, so I switched to Vangelis.
At this point, I was still under the false impression that, due to the low levels of visuals and the clear headspace, this was more a museum dose than a full trip. Heart rate was up to 79.

From skype to my best friend: “So, at 1:40 in, I can still use the computer with a little effort, my touch typing leaves a little to be desired though. Feel incredible though, just sparkly-white amazingness”. Sparkly-white amazingness is how my body felt entirely, ever nerve ending was just tingling delightfully.

At this point, the body high was beginning to be a little less all-encompassing, in that I began to shift from simply enjoy the amazing sensations in my body and went on to considering a few things. Mostly, I mulled over ideas about narratives; how sometimes people think they are discussing a single thing when actually, they’re using all the same words with all different meanings. Truth was the big one, and the difference between something being true versus something being truth. Heart rate had finally backed off and returned to 62.

Again, to my friend on skype: “You have no idea how stupid I feel trying to use the computer at this point: I'm finding it hard to keep that level of immersion which usually allows a good degree of focus on the task at hand (the screen, the keys etc). That said, the body feeling is just, ecstatic. The mind is a little more analytical, a little less focused but very good. Also, tracers on cursors and other moving elements on screen? Extreme.”
The visuals had begun to pick up at this point, and a little smudging was noticed with eye or head movement. Tracing was fairly persistent, and I had some fun drawing out shapes in thin air. It being the anniversary of the death of my grandmother, I spent some time contemplating death and dying. However, ultimately I came to the conclusion that worrying over it was the greatest waste of time imaginable, and ultimately a dishonour to those who could be living instead. I moved on, and put on Feynman’s “The Pleasure of Finding Things Out”.

I open my eyes, after the fairly detailed and engrossing closed eye visuals and visualisations which had accompanied listening to Feynman to find everything drifting and to a less extent flowing, overlaid by geometric patterns like shifting mosaic tiles. Ultimately, it was a wake up call. I work as a chemist, day in day out, and to an extent I’ve become jaded to it. Listening to Feynman talk rekindled, or uncovered, the flame of passion and discovery.

I was sober enough to help the fiancée make herself food and do basic tasks, and even hold conversation, though I need a little extra time to collect my thoughts before responding, and I feel myself drifting out of the conversation for periods which seems fairly long, but cannot have been more than a few seconds.

T:+04:00 to T:+04:45
There is significant distortion in my sense of time. Several entries between these times simply say “I drifted off and now it is 15 minutes later”. Rich internal fantasy is almost intrusive, intense day dreaming and playing with the geometric visuals. By the end of this period, I once again retire to the sofa and put on my headphones and close my eyes.

I ultimately finish listening to lectures, and the visuals are slightly tamer. I spend some time on the sofa with the fiancée. Physical contact is bliss, where contact is made the tingling starts up again. Very contented, put on some music and just sit there.

The visuals finally begin to die off, and just the skin tingles and the internal fantasy is left. Even this has begun to recede, like a high and beautiful wave receding after crashing on the beach. I can hardly believe it has been 7 hours, but what a 7 hours it has been. Retreat to a dark shower with some more Vangelis to see if I can push the whole thing a little longer.

I am ultimately down, so far as I can tell. In summation, and incredibly good trip, this compares favourably with any other lysergamide tab for tab, dose for dose. The body high is forceful even at this dose, and highly pleasurable. The mental high has clarity, but depth. The visuals were not very imposing, but closed eye fantasy was rich and far more enjoyable. I will try this again, and next time at a higher dose, maybe 150ug or 200ug.

Exp Year: 2016ExpID: 107874
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 22
Published: Feb 3, 2016Views: 6,484
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