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Citation:   Mastronaut. "Mem-oires: An Experience with Memantine (exp107903)". Erowid.org. Mar 9, 2019. erowid.org/exp/107903

  oral Pharms - Memantine (pill / tablet)
Write this because there's almost no information on this substance however being a common medication as a generic form on the pharmacys of my country (and I guess wherever down the usa). So,this is more a summary of my experiences.

10mg. A single pill (with a line in the middle) turns the day a little bit interesting and pain show to be reduced.

30mg. 3 pills make a clear disociative effect but underwhelming after knowing the potential of dxm. Effects last 4hr and 2 to peak.

45mg. 'The sweet spot'. From here a higher dose would last at least a day (12-18hr). Could say it peaks in 2hr, the effects are completely dissociative but with an almost sober mind however a little bit suspicious and paranoid (in the sense that everything looks alien or cospiranoid). There's no mind fuck in the way dxm acts, imagination works but in the way everything looks diferent. Last some 6-8hr straight like feeling I'm gonna go higher even if I have peaked maybe cause the not-super-euphoria but really present. Then the comedown last like 1 hr. Afterglow is present in some sort of dopaminergic way.

P.S. Anestesia is almost completly but functional.
My reflections are simple. Good for a rave where I can sleep at the end of the day. Functional to musical performing (if not a front man. Nice to mellow or cuddle with someone as high and happy as myself.

Exp Year: 2014ExpID: 107903
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 26
Published: Mar 9, 2019Views: 2,549
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Pharms - Memantine (309) : Retrospective / Summary (11), Not Applicable (38)

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