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Super Trippy and Beautiful
Citation:   Fantasia. "Super Trippy and Beautiful: An Experience with 5-MeO-MiPT (exp108189)". May 2, 2016.

9 mg oral 4-MeO-MiPT
As my first time trying 5-MEO-MiPT, I found it to be very chill, very visually trippy and it had a very strange body feel. Me and a friend took it before a train ride and it started working within 20 minutes or so, at which time colours became brighter and I started getting more and more energy. We went into a club where dancing felt fantastic and effortless. When we left the club we sat by the harbour and I realised how trippy this drug was; the water started forming shapes and all shadows seemed to become accentuated and beautiful. At this point, the cold seemed to have a strange body feel; the wind seemed to hit my skin in like a series of vectors, pricking my skin. And from then, most touch felt kind of like that. Any touch, from myself, others, even clothes seemed like it was giving me pins and needles. That was probably the strangest thing of the trip.

When I got home I asked my boyfriend to put me into trance and let me explore a nice place in my mind. I was extremely involved, everything seemed so real, and I was very playful. I think that trippiness gives me the same kind of mindset as being entranced.

Comparing my experience to other drugs, it was very similar to acid, without the comedown; there didn't seem to be any particular peak, it just faded away. There was no hangover.

Exp Year: 2014ExpID: 108189
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: 22
Published: May 2, 2016Views: 2,034
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5-MeO-MIPT (287) : First Times (2), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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