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Meditation Insight Oh Fuck Me
Citation:   notspan. "Meditation Insight Oh Fuck Me: An Experience with 25D-NBOMe (exp108290)". Apr 18, 2016.

  buccal 25D-NBOMe (blotter / tab)
I have a fair amount of experience with fun but had never taken a ride on the 25D-NBOMe HCl (1000µg) before. I put one tab between cheek and gum, straightened up the house, put up some Post-It notes reminding me who I am, where I was, and what I'd done. Just in case.

Then I lay down, plugged in my headphones and hit play on a 2-hour long Holosync Meditation. It was very cool, as much Mescalinic as Acidic IMHO. Slept just fine thanks to my lovely and enthusiastic partner.

I bought 400 tabs so let's skip forward a bit in time.

Four hits at once for family night, so no post it notes. Spending the evening playing board games and watching scary movies is not so easy when you are electric and everything is made of liquid neon. Nobody ever asked if I was okay, which either means my herculean efforts to ‘maintain’ were effective, or else I'm just naturally trippy. Let's say both.

Skip forward again.

Seven hits at once and a trip (heh) to a world class zoo. Been there, done that, so I knew that an ostrich will do a lightning strike over the fence and explode your snow cone big-time stylee so I avoided those fuckers. Tigers looked like liquid metal terminator animals, so I knew the glass partition was useless. In fact, all the animals were clearly imposters, but what could I do?

Well, I could sit and watch the flamingos for a really long time.

I'm not a bird watcher, not interested in flamingos, really, but as it turned out I am part flamingo. I know how they think, what they say, who has a crush on whom. I could tell how they were feeling and why they were so proud to be flamingos. (It's the lawn ornaments.)

I feel I made a good buy. I'll keep the dosage low, maintain a safe environment, and gain peaceful Insight into myself, my fellow beings, and the universe.

Fuck that! I'm going to go back to the zoo!

Exp Year: 2014ExpID: 108290
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 57
Published: Apr 18, 2016Views: 2,331
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25D-NBOMe (541) : Retrospective / Summary (11), Various (28)

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