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Alice with Amnesia
by jade
Citation:   jade. "Alice with Amnesia: An Experience with Zopiclone (exp108291)". Apr 13, 2016.

15 mg oral Pharms - Zopiclone (pill / tablet)
I was prescribed this recently to help me sleep, my psychiatrist has me on it for a long-term prescription since weaker sleep aids didn't work for me, although I've heard this shouldn't be prescribed long-term. Tolerance goes up very quickly when taking zopiclone- the effects experienced my first time on 15mg were much stronger than the effects experienced at 90mg after taking more and more each day.

The first time I tried zopiclone I was on a single pill which contains 7.5mg. I was in my room at night, the only light coming from my laptop. In this lighting it seemed like the shadows were moving and my thinking became slightly nonsensical after a half hour, but taking the same amount the next night no effects were experienced.

I moved up to 15mg, two full pills, after giving myself a day to detox (having been worried about tolerance). After about 45 minutes, my thinking having become increasingly nonsensical, I was staring out my window at my neighbor's house when a car pulled into the driveway and someone got out. Although looking back on it, I know my neighbor sometimes comes home at late hours of the night and just goes into their house, I was convinced that the person who left the car was not my neighbor and in fact was trying to break into the other cars in the driveway. As I watched, two more people appeared and they all seemed to be hanging around the cars and front door. I became more concerned and started taking pictures, trying to discern whether there really were people trying to break into the cars/house. I couldn't tell from the pictures so I just kept watching. Nothing much more happened, but at one point I was sure that someone was opening and closing the door and the window next to it, yelling at the people in the driveway. I remember looking up the street as well and seeing a man and two children playing in the front yard of one of the houses.

The next day I went through the pictures on my phone and there weren't any people in the driveway in any of the pictures, and the house that I thought I saw the family at has three hedges in the front yard, one of them much taller than the other two so I must have mistaken them for people. The night it was happening I could have sworn there were people outside.

Recently I went on a week long zop binge (interspersed with snorting concerta to stay awake when not experiencing effects of zopiclone) and can attest to the 'blackouts' people say they experience on different sleeping pills. Taking 2-4 zopiclone after letting my tolerance go down has become a regular practice for me, and the effects experienced to me on these when at a good dose are basically nonsensical thinking, impaired ability to type and walk, and a warm/giddy feeling I can most closely relate to opiate abuse. To any bystander I would probably seem to look/act the same on a good zop dose as I would on a good dose of dilaudid.

Anyways, the first day of my week I took 2 zopiclone, having taken a long detox break, and experienced the effects mentioned above. The next day I was up to 6 to get the same effects, and then took a days break. The day after that I took 12 to experience the same effects. Tolerance goes up CRAZY fast. I never would have thought that I would be taking 12 at once, especially when once before I took 4 (when my dose should have been 2) and felt as though I had lost the ability to move. I only was able to get up and drag myself to the bathroom upon realizing that I was going to be sick.

After this week, besides finding some pretty funny conversations with people that I don't remember having and a plethora of horrible selfies on my phone, I misplaced my concerta while I was high and couldn't recall where I had put it. I still don't remember putting it where I found it, I'm just lucky that I thought to look there. There are a lot of gaps in my memory that I don't expect to be filled.

In my experience, the first couple of times I used it were more intense than the rest no matter how long I detox.

[Reported Dose: 15mg - 90mg]

Exp Year: 2016ExpID: 108291
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: 18
Published: Apr 13, 2016Views: 5,600
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Pharms - Zopiclone (272) : Retrospective / Summary (11), Alone (16)

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