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Didn't Know It Could Be Like This
Acetildenafil & Cannabis
Citation:   repair guy. "Didn't Know It Could Be Like This: An Experience with Acetildenafil & Cannabis (exp108477)". May 15, 2016.

150 mg oral Acetildenafil (capsule)
Some background

Married middle aged couple. Married over 20 years. Madly in love with wife. Had ok but uneventful sex life up until a couple years ago when we tried marijuana together for the first time. It was an awakening. Since then we have gotten more and more adventuresome both in the sex and in our drugs; having tried 4-aco, Foxy and 3-FPM.

From about my early 40's I started to experience some ED issues. Doctor prescribed a low dose Cialis. It worked wonderfully at first but after some months it started to under-perform. This led to high-dose Cialis. Tried 25 mg viagra, worked great till it didn't. Progressed to 50 and then 100mg viagra. Last year or so even the 100mg Viagra isn't helping achieve a moderately hard erection despite diet and exercise and losing 30 lbs to no improved effect. I have had a somewhat recent physical all results came back thumbs up and no cause for ED was forthcoming. I'm a grower and a fairly well endowed one at that. The difference to me between a semi and a quality erection is substantial both in size and feeling. So rarely being able to do better than a semi is frustrating.

In the last year my wife and I have been experimenting and have determined 2 things with the substances we have tried. 1. My wife under the influence of marijuana and any tryptamine (4-aco; 5 meo) or the 3-FPM stimulant becomes a sexual freak in the finest possible way. If you can imagine it, she is up for it. And 2. anything even hinting at being a vaso-constrictor, makes my dick shrivel and refuse to play.

So forward to recently, I'm high she's high and under additional influence and ready willing wanting to go for hours and even with the 100 mg Viagra, best I can hope for is a good quality erection for 20 – 30 minutes and if I have not orgasmed by then my dick will start to pack it in and once the erection is lost, it's done for the night. Meanwhile I spend the next couple hours playing with the wife with a full complement of toys wishing that my dick would only cooperate. That was the better of the scenarios.

When I spotted acetildenafil on a site I knew I wanted to try it. Very little info on dosing and effects. I figure it is within the ballpark of the other 3 (Viagra, Cialis, Levitra, which I tried as well and was no different) After allergy test I tried in order 20mg, 60 mg, 25mg of viagra with 40mg of acetildenafil; and 100mg acetildenafil with 3-FPM (stim far overpowered the boner meds and couldn't even get a hint of and erection and the 3-FPM is generally regarded as fairly mild in that effect).

Finally after reading a comment about a gent who said that his sweet spot is 100mg, I determined to try with a 150mg dose and made sure my stomach was mostly empty (light meal 3 hours earlier). I took the 150mg weighed out and put in a gelcap and took it about 60 – 90 minutes before sexy time was anticipated to start. While my wife was getting ready for the evening (we have a whole routine) I noticed about 45 – 60 minutes after, some nearly long forgotten stirrings through my jeans from my nether region.
I noticed about 45 – 60 minutes after, some nearly long forgotten stirrings through my jeans from my nether region.
I cannot recall the last time I have achieved a spontaneous erection, it was all I could do to keep it down to a manageable level. Some busywork let it deflate down eventually.

When we started to “get it on” as it were, about 75 – 90 minutes after ingesting, I stood up giving my wife her first good look at my now fully raging hard on (she had no idea I've been experimenting with acetildenafil) . Something to the effect of “holy fuck!” or equal sentiment was uttered accompanied by a wide eyed look that I can only describe as a combination of aww and euphoric savagery. For the next hour we did everything, sometimes twice. I came close to orgasm a few times but was always able to suppress. Still at full mast, I decided to give acetildenafil a real test. I suggested to my wife that we take a break. She's tired after dozens or orgasms (but still raring to go) I'm exhausted so we grab a quick snack, and long deep drink and I stay away from her so I can fully deflate. After 15 minutes or so I'm almost fully flaccid.

We each have a bowl or two and start up again and praise the acetildenafil gods I'm fully coming back and we continue again for at least another hour. Cum twice (vary rarely in the past). If I die tomorrow this was the greatest sex of my life. All porn has now been dulled, now I am looking through a new pair of eyes. I'm married to my superhero.

Oh right the acetildenafil! I don’t believe there were much if any lingering effects the next morning but were going strong at 4 hours plus so I would ball park the overall duration to be in the 5- 8 hours range.

I did experience the Viagra headbuzz, sinus pressure thing very mildly at 100mg, fairly strongly at the 150mg but still not at the level that the 100mg Viagra gave me. Will this effectiveness eventually fade? Probably. Will I compensate by further increasing my dose? Yup. How high will I go? No fucking idea. But right now at this moment all is right with the world.

Exp Year: 2016ExpID: 108477
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 48
Published: May 15, 2016Views: 6,724
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Acetildenafil (740) : Sex Discussion (14), First Times (2), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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