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Informed Me Without Being Overwhelming
Citation:   Rabbit. "Informed Me Without Being Overwhelming: An Experience with 1P-LSD (exp108564)". May 24, 2016.

50 ug oral 1P-LSD (blotter / tab)
First Psychedelic

My prior experience with mind altering substances is limited to marijuana and alcohol. I'd always been interested in the psychedelics, particularly LSD and its history. 1P-LSD came around at a time that I could experience something largely similar to LSD at the right time. All times in the following account are approximate, but largely accurate. The psychedelic portions of the experience lasted ~5-6 hours.

(T-1:00) I go to the gym and lift weights. I'm nervous, but pushing my boundaries always makes me feel relaxed, confident, and in a generally positive state of mind.

(T+0:00) Although I debated with myself about whether or not to take 1/2 blotter, I ultimately resolved to. You only live once, right? I quickly chew and swallow the blotter paper on an extremely empty (5 hrs last food) stomach.

(T+0:10) After my shower I prepare a large sandwich, which I cut in half and wrap in plastic for later. I was nervous preparing it, not knowing what to expect, but I believe I felt a warm feeling in the back of my head. I finished making the sandwiches, put them in the fridge, and hid all sharp objects from myself (just in case).

(T+0:20) Decide to bide my time by playing Portal 2. I beat it a while back, but don't remember any of the levels so it's still fun. As I continue to play I begin to feel a stronger version of that warmth, plus urges to laugh about random things. This drug is definitely kicking in.

(T+1:00) I'm definitely feeling this drug now. It's like I'm a bit drunk and high on marijuana
(T+1:00) I'm definitely feeling this drug now. It's like I'm a bit drunk and high on marijuana
now. At some point afterwards (and time gets hazy here) I can no longer focus on the game and decide to stop and put some music on. It's amazing! I look to my right and I see dim patterns in my couch. Dragons, lighting, oh my!

(T+2:00) At some point I was playing on my computer and noticed the blanket was morphing -- as if it were dancing with a life of its own. It's pretty neat, and as I look around my room, most things are not moving.

(T+2:30) I notice that I'm alternately hot and cold, which causes me to continuously put on and take off a blanket. But also that things are morphing. I have a pillow turning into a squirrel, and my book is dancing. It's a biography, and the picture of the man is morphing between smiling and frowning at me. It's kinda strange, but I forget about it

(T+2:45) New music brings about new changes. The book and my pillow are dancing to the music, as is my guitar cable in the struggle between Mr. Octopus and the Rope Army. Both saw and didn't see waves of water on my floor.

(T+3:00) I've been feeling gastric tension for a while. It feels like I need to relieve myself, so I head over to the bathroom and pop a squat. I can't seem to go, and figure the tension is from the drugs but wait it out anyways. As I stare forward, the closet begins imposing itself and the floor becomes coated in a white mist, which later turns into a faint but intricate pattern. I'm not certain if my thoughts were influencing the pattern or not, but it was certainly changing.

(T+4:00) I'm definitely coming down now. There's no body load, and no urgency. Things are slowly coming back to normal. Still thinking about the things I saw (and maybe don't remember). I realize I would have been comfortable with a stronger dose, but accept that I probably should sleep now.

(T+6:00) Basically at baseline now spend a while reading, trying to match my experience to others'

(T+8:00) Go to bed without much difficulty. Wake up feeling mostly refreshed.

Overall, this is a substance I certainly respect, but will most likely try again. I did not experience any of the profoundness often talked about with this drug (and that I feel I have experienced with marijuana alone), although this may be due to a low dose. I found the low dose informed me of the effects without being overwhelming.

Exp Year: 2016ExpID: 108564
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 29
Published: May 24, 2016Views: 4,394
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1P-LSD (682) : First Times (2), Alone (16)

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