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Amazing Aphrodisiac
Pregabalin & Sildenafil
Citation:   DavyDXM. "Amazing Aphrodisiac: An Experience with Pregabalin & Sildenafil (exp108626)". Feb 14, 2020.

T+ 0:00
1.5 g oral Pharms - Pregabalin (capsule)
  T+ 0:15 50 mg oral Pharms - Sildenafil (pill / tablet)
Since this experience a few weeks ago I've experimented three or four more times with Pregabalin (Lyrica). The last two times I combined it with 50mg of Viagra. Pregabalin is an AMAZING aphrodisiac without any other drugs, but Viagra intensifies the experience to the point where I was able to sometimes perform sexually for three hours without getting sore or tired (and I'm not in the greatest shape, as you can tell from my weight).

I wanted to get a box of 50mg Lyrica capsules yesterday but the drug store I went to was out. I asked if they had the 150mg capsules, and I bought one sheet of them (I can do that where I live), so I ended up with 10 pills (1.5g of Lyrica). This was the highest dose I have taken so far. I bought a can of juice from a corner store after leaving the pharmacy and downed all 10 capsules before I got home. This is probably around 8:30 PM.

I got home around 8:45 and then took half of a 100mg Viagra pill. Around 11:30 PM or 12:00 AM I started to have sexual feelings and proceeded to act on them. The sessions are amazing, and last about an hour and a half on average. I am able to perform for long periods without ejaculating when taking Lyrica, whereas without it my longevity is not that great.

I fell asleep around 4 AM and woke up around 1:30 PM. The Lyrica was still in my system. I remained hungry for sex. Around 5 PM I became intimate with my wife again, likewise for about an hour and a half. The only caveat of Lyrica is that I find it difficult to ejaculate twice in one session, which I often like to do. Not a big deal.

I have never experienced hallucinations on Lyrica. I really expected that I would have a more intense experience given the dose I took, but it really just seemed to prolong the amount of time the drug was in my system. It is about 8:30 PM and I still feel a bit buzzed and uninhibited. I will likely try 2g next time.

Except for one occasion, I have never taken Lyrica more than once a week.
Except for one occasion, I have never taken Lyrica more than once a week.
It does not seem to have addictive qualities because there is never a point where I yearn for it. It is not that kind of high. Once I took 2g Pregabalin back to back (1g on one day, and 1g the day after). The experience was quite dull, and frankly a waste of money.

In short — Pregabalin has had a positive impact on my marriage. Being able to open up and be talkative (I am a hardcore introvert), combined with the sexual benefits, makes this drug an excellent *tool* that I do not plan to abuse. Even though I obtain a slight buzz from it, my wife is not able to detect that I have taken anything. It is a high I can control. I could easily take 1g and go outside without fear.

Exp Year: 2016ExpID: 108626
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 37
Published: Feb 14, 2020Views: 3,563
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Pharms - Pregabalin (418) : Combinations (3), Sex Discussion (14), Retrospective / Summary (11), Alone (16)

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