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Fuzzy Blanket of Awesome
Codeine & Zanaflex
Citation:   MDock. "Fuzzy Blanket of Awesome: An Experience with Codeine & Zanaflex (exp108695)". Sep 3, 2017.

2 tablets oral Tizanidine (pill / tablet)
  2 tablets oral Codeine (pill / tablet)
  1 tablet oral Codeine (pill / tablet)
Was given Zanaflex and Tylenol 3 for a sprained neck from a work accident.
I got back from the DR. about 3pm. I took two of each immediately upon arriving home. It took about 1hr for them to kick in. It was like a slow and comfortable blanket was draped over me. My thoughts became calm and comforting. I was watching some show about space on TV and it became the only thing that existed for about 30 minutes to an hour...maybe longer or less. As I watched it all things seemed to no longer be except my thoughts and the show. Soon I was drifting to sleep. As I sat there it just felt like I was in a womb safely protected from all things and no problems existed. It was possibly the most relaxed and comfortable I had ever been.

A few hours later I woke up and had a pretty bad headache. I imagine falling asleep with an already strained neck on my couch didn't quite help the healing process and potentially the meds themselves helped with the headache. At that time I took another tylenol 3 alone and it knocked out the headache.

I'm not one to experiment to much with pills but I did certainly enjoy the extreme peacefulness this combination without going heavy on the dosages provided.

Exp Year: 2016ExpID: 108695
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 36
Published: Sep 3, 2017Views: 14,245
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Codeine (14), Tizanidine (726) : General (1), Combinations (3), Therapeutic Intent or Outcome (49), Unknown Context (20)

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