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Solstice - Sated by Insanity
LSD, Mushrooms, & Methoxphenidine
Citation:   StaticOmega. "Solstice - Sated by Insanity: An Experience with LSD, Mushrooms, & Methoxphenidine (exp108708)". Aug 15, 2016.

T+ 0:00
  repeated smoked Cannabis
  T+ 0:00   repeated   LSD
  T+ 0:00   repeated   Mushrooms
  T+ 24:00 100 mg   Methoxphenidine
  T+ 24:00   oral Coffee
A Weekend of Fabulous Neon Freddie Mercury Bore Worms

First Dose- 8 hits of Acid, 225 micrograms per hit (total 1,800 Micrograms)

Second Dose- At least 8 hits of Acid (possibly 10), again 225 micrograms per hit (total 1,800 Micrograms)

Third Dose- An Eighth of Shrooms while on the Second 8 Hits of Acid

Fourth Dose- A Quarter of Shrooms

Fifth Dose- 6 More Hits of Acid, 225 micrograms per hit (total of 1,350)

Sixth Dose- 100mg of 2-meo-diphenidine

(Varying hits of strong sativa marijuana throughout)

I am an avid psychedelic enthusiast. I have done many different RCs in varying combinations and amounts; acid, shrooms, MDMA, and a few other odds and ends here and there. I also have a natural chemical imbalance which causes me to regularly produce too much serotonin, thereby making it often seem like I am rolling of my own accord. We have discovered that this imbalance causes me to need a larger amount of chemicals to get where I want to go and then no matter how far I go I tend to keep a level head about myself.

Some friends and I went off to the first annual Solstice EDM/Psytrance festival in the mountains of my home state. We have been to the location for many festivals thrown by the same group and rabidly look forward to each one. So, already, set and setting has emotions high on the happy end of the scale.

(Set is a stunning valley in the middle of nowhere, surrounded by lush green forests, mountains; it has two lakes, bridges, hidden coves and copious amounts of walking trails. When decked out for a festival there are torches, lights, tents, dancers, vendors, an overall gorgeous neon-infused carnival type atmosphere. In short, it’s magical. Even completely sober I would be in heaven being there.)

Since starting in on the festival circuit it has been a dream of ours to constantly trip from start to finish, but due to varying circumstances and chemical availability we had never been able to achieve this goal… until now.

We had been able to get enough acid for our whole group prior to the festival. The acid was 225 micrograms per hit; tested with a test kit and orally prior to the festival (very strong, very psychedelic, very pure and very clean. The best acid any of us had ever had so far.) We also had available to us a variety of Research Chemicals, pot and a friendly neighbor at our camp site kept us in a constant supply of extremely good home grown shrooms.

I was dressed as Freddie Mercury for the first day/night of the festival.

I smoke a few hits of weed from my cousin’s pipe, then at 5:30pm I and my best friend took 8 hits of the uber acid, then went up onto a hill side for the come up.

As when we tested the acid previously the come up was fairly swift, taking a little less than an hour. First effects where shadows moving rapidly over the landscape as if the sun was rising and setting quickly; things in motion developed moving trail behind them and the body high was nearly overwhelmingly orgasmic. When the acid enters my system I tend to get a sensation that I can only describe as “the acid blanketing my brain like a warm blanket.”
When the acid enters my system I tend to get a sensation that I can only describe as “the acid blanketing my brain like a warm blanket.”
This sensation occurred and almost made me pass out from delight.

We waited on the hillside a long time, I wanted to make sure we would be able to stand and walk before we went off on an adventure. The landscape became enveloped in technicolor three strip splendor and the leaves and trees began to twist and sway unnaturally. Once I determined I wouldn’t pass out we walked down the hill; as we went further and further sounds began to exaggerate and distort. Everything had an echo as if walking through a tunnel, bird calls happened that couldn’t be happening, voices came in from out of nowhere
Everything had an echo as if walking through a tunnel, bird calls happened that couldn’t be happening, voices came in from out of nowhere
; it was as if I was hearing everything that I could possibly hear all at one time.

The trees got taller and were textured with swirling, semi-geometric patterns. The path got longer and wider; the rocks on said path looked like tiny skulls crunching beneath my feet. We walked out into the open expanse in front of the big wooden gazebo that housed the stage. There was no music playing yet, just sound being tested, so we decided to go back to the camp. The sound testing seemed to bother my friend also on 8 hits; he mentioned “static being in the air.” I couldn’t quite tell that he was seeming to begin to have a rough time as I was distracted by the now intensely over the top audio hallucinations (looping bird chirps, looping whispering voices and hisses, the Friday the 13th “chh chh chh ha ha ha”, all coming in from nowhere, mixing in with what seemed like being able to hear every conversation going on at the entire festival.)

By the time we got to the campsite reality was visually folding in on itself like layers of blankets, over and over again; colors and shadows were rapidly cycling now, flashes of light were happening all around me, it was surreal and beautiful (somehow, as always, despite not quite being able to tell what the world actually looked like I could communicate and interact with it just fine.) Typical of my trips all of my friends and most of the people at the festival looked relatively normal and appeared to just be “green screened” in on top of the hallucinations.

The sound testing back at the stage was growing more annoying for my friend at this point but I was in good spirits. I felt full of silliness and smugness, the body high was enormous; I think that I’ve probably never felt better in my life. The lack of music playing was causing the audio hallucinations to grow louder and become more frequent, this was very noticeably bothering my friend now (he mentioned being in pain from it, but still, it didn’t quite register as being serious.) Our other friends couldn’t believe we were up and walking around with 1,800 micrograms of acid in our systems.

Eventually music began to play and we eagerly decide to go back to the stage. As we travel trees multiply and edit past us, the grass grows taller and shorter and sways back and forth to the growing beat. The music sounds hollow and distant, somewhat menacing, but also exciting. The world now has a cartoonish feel to it, almost like a living oil painting with a bit of cell shading for details. I can no longer tell exactly what colors are what (my friend also on 8 hits is dressed as a horror version of the Joker, my eyes switch his purple clothes with the green of his hair and vice versa; he also had green on his hands from applying the hair spray and I thought it made his hands look swollen and bruised causing me some concern especially with his increasingly distraught demeanor.)

As we get closer to the stage and the music becomes louder and more compelling my happiness and smugness swell even further. The stage is bouncing and pulsing in time with the beat, glowing like a beacon before me. I move faster and faster toward it, then just as we are about to walk up onto the stage my friend breaks away sharply and swings back toward the camp. I immediately walk after him, as we are always trip buddies and care for one another just in case one of us has a bad time.

My friend is repeatedly complaining of static in the air and being in pain all over from it; I realize he is verbally looping. I try to walk him in the direction of the camp but we are lost now due to visual confusion. The trail is bright white, it looks like it is made of light; the trees and cabins around the lake are a blur of colors and I can’t tell if the lake is a lake or if it is the sky. Somehow we end up near the cars. My friend is now repeating nothing but being in pain, worried he is ruining everything, that he has hurt people, that he is being arrested (he had a bad trip once and got tazed and taken in by the cops, so he tends to drift there mentally when things go south for him) I keep telling him that he is fine, we just need to get back to the camp so he can calm down.

Since we are near the cars I want to try and take him to our vehicle but I can't tell what car is what as it just seems like a literal sea of cars, endlessly stretching off into the rolling, moving, undulating, waving hills. I stop both of us, grounding myself for a moment, then lead us in the direction of the camp. The walk to the camp from the cars is strange, the world is twisting and turning like a funhouse, but otherwise looks kind of normal.

Once at the camp I make my friend sit; he is now doing nothing but looping his thoughts of being in pain, hearing static, asking how many hits he took, asking if he is ruining everything, asking if he is being arrested, etc. I keep answering him and telling him that he is fine and everything is fine. Once and a while my friend has a moment of clarity and asks if he can have a benzo; I tell him that he can, force him to sit, then go and get it.

It takes a long time and repeated conversations but I eventually get him to take the benzo. Then I pull my friend down next to me and we lay and wait for the benzo to do its job. As I lie on the ground and look up at the trees another friend mentions a woodpecker type noise and makes everyone laugh. Everyone gets on a kick/loop of talking about the bird noises, this causes me to see a spiraling kaleidoscope of cartoon birds above me, almost like Drinky Crow; I laugh.

My friends loops begin to slowly die down and the moments of clarity get more frequent as the benzo works in his system. I sense his emotional state changing and get a noticeable color shift and softening of intensity around us, it is refreshing. Then, just like that, my friend is back and ready to go. He and I grab some water and head back to the stage. By this point the music is insane and wonderful, pounding off in the distance. The sun has either set at this point or was in the process of setting, I can’t really tell. For me a gorgeous, misty, unnaturally colorfully backlit pseudo night has descended over everything regardless.

We don’t so much as walk to the stage as we are pulled to it. Everyone around us appears to be floating just above the ground, drawn to the lights and music like a magnet. Suddenly we are walking up onto the stage. The deco is fantastic, like stretchy alien sinew awash with neon. My body moves fluidly as the music fills me and drives me. Everyone at the stage is moving, almost in unison; we all feel connected and feed off of each other’s energy.

The stage looks like a panther’s face to me, eyes glowing and yellow; everyone is intense and gorgeous, lost in their own little worlds, but still actively together. I feel god like. I dance endlessly, compelled and delighted to move. The air pulses and vibrates with each beat of the bass; an infectious purr hums through everyone sounding as if we are all some sort of machine-animal. Everything is sensual, pleasurable the height of happiness.

My friend and I decide to leave the stage and go for a walk; we go off into the darkness, lighting our way with a portable strobe light. The trees look skeletal and menacing, with each flash of the strobe light screaming faces of Angela from the end of Sleepaway Camp come flying out at me (for whatever reason this is a typical occurrence of a lot of my trips.) We climb a hill on the other side of the lower lake. The hill is endless and covered in a fog machine type mist that doesn’t exist, rainbow colored sparkles fill the air like camera flashes.

We sit and look down at the valley, it is stunning; everything is crisp and beautiful lit by the giant anime-like moon. We can see every star in the sky, probably more than actually exist. The stars sparkle and shoot and move in the blackness, it is glorious. My friend pulls out his phone and listens to a song. I lay and look up at the sky, hearing the endless ambient noise of nature mixing with the music, distorting and warping, making new sounds and new songs of it’s own. My friend gives me the headphones and plays Bloodsuckers by Liquid Stranger for me. The song is brassier, and more fun than it usually is, enhanced and dynamic. The music causes the trees to bounce and sway with the beat; small speakers shoot at me from each star playing notes of the song; I am delighted.

My friend and I decide to do more acid, so we rise and walk down the hill. The hill seems like a vertical cliff face and we are cartoonishly walking down it at a 90 degree angle. The walk back to our camp is at once eternal and too quick. My friend does 4 more hits and I do 8 (possibly 10, it was hard to count them) then we went back to the stage.

The stage has morphed into a giant snake head, constantly moving it’s eyes around the crowd and opening it’s jaws, clamping them down upon everyone; hissing and spitting venom in time with the music. At this point a new friend we made walks over and asks if we would like some shrooms, we say sure… He gives us way more than expected, about an eighth each. We continue dancing and dancing and dancing inside the snake’s mouth.

Surprisingly, considering the amount of acid I’m on, the shrooms hit quickly and well, adding a lovely, swirly vibe to the proceedings. In fact everything takes on a distinctly pastel/oil painting tone and becomes very cinematic and pronounced. My friend and I go for a walk and end up at a dock by the upper lake.

We lay down on the bench and it feels like we are floating miles above the water… We look off toward the stage and the water, lights, trees and everything form just this endless expanse of Lovecraftian madness; an indescribable, moving, living creature of the night stretching off into infinity.

Deciding to move again we head off in the direction of the far side of [the venue]. The music fades off into the distance as we climb further up the mountain. The area we are in already kind of has an industrial vibe with a lot of broken down vehicles, pipes and the like lying about, but in our state it becomes this massive abandoned factory/desert looking area. At the end of this area we know there is a tunnel of trees we always call “the spider tunnel” due to the way it looks when light hits it in the day time. At first we just want to look into it, as we are afraid there might be actual spiders inside it, but then we say fuck it and plunge on in.

The entrance looks very menacing, almost like a giant, moving black wall. The wall vision fades away and we enter the tunnel, again, lighting it with our portable strobe light. For the first time it actually feels like a tunnel of trees, just way longer than usual. It’s actual length is less than a football field but this time it seems to go on for about a mile. Once on the other side the sun is starting to come up way off in the night, casting everything in a blue haze.

We stand on the hillside looking down at the valley and stage. The stage looks like a 3-D pop up display and the people dancing inside look like shadows of ballerinas swaying back and forth in perfect unison. We stand for a long time just watching everything as the sun seems to rise at rapid pace. As the light grows brighter reality seems to paint into existence in front of us; everything being a perfect representation of what it actually is, but still unreal.

Midway through the dawning we walk down the hill and head back toward the camp. The still rising sun makes everything seem more and more beautiful and less and less real. It’s like watching a color drenched 1950’s version of a psytrance festival play in front of us.

At the camp, we sit and relax for a long beat; then I decide it is time for me to go and change into my next outfit. I walk to my car, my trip seems to be fading slightly, even though everything is still strange and enhanced; I no longer have difficulty finding my vehicle regardless.

Once inside my car however it is a different story. All of my bags seem to multiply and overlap, the interior of the car becomes kaleidoscopic, swirling, fractaling shapes made of cycling colors. It takes me a long time and several instances of switching from the front seat to the back and the left side to the right before I feel comfortable enough to shave (I grew a Freddie Mercury moustache JUST for my costume the first day.)

Shaving is arduous. The face looking back from me in the mirror seems crazed with delight, my pupils are gigantic, and the pores on my skin come into sharp focus, then fade away, then cycle size and shape over and over again. Just after I put shaving cream on my moustache and hold the razor up to start I pause and watch the flesh peel off my hand, then the veins, then the muscle, until nothing is left but a skeleton. I shake the image away, then shave.

Once I am done shaving I slip into my next outfit, Hunter S. Thompson (complete with short shorts, knee high socks, Hawaiian shirt, vintage aviators, a fisherman’s hat and cigarette holder. Seeing myself without facial hair for the first time in a long while is strange, I don’t look like myself at all. I seriously look in the mirror and see the real Hunter S. Thompson, I am pleased.

I head back to camp, daytime is in full swing now. Everything is BRIGHT and cheerful.
I head back to camp, daytime is in full swing now. Everything is BRIGHT and cheerful.
I see every color of nature and the surroundings as if see them for the first time. Once at the camp our new friend/camp neighbor walks over and offers us more shrooms. I pay for them this time, $10 for a whole quarter. I snack on the quarter over the next hour or so and the shrooms are a delight; again, just adding a lovely, happy, swirly demeanor to the reality and semi-visuals still going on.

The day moves by in a blur and is mostly spent dancing at the stage.

Around 5:30 it begins to rain and we scramble to get everything covered at the camp. My friend and I decide it is time for our next outfits then. I run back to my car, slip out of Hunter S. Thompson and into a pair of colorful neon tights, a blonde wig, a bunch of colorful plastic beads, a head band and then splash my face and torso with UV reactive paints. I have no name for this persona, sort of jokingly referring to him as “Every Raver Ever.”

By the time I get back to camp the rain has sadly stopped. My friend and I decide to eat. We get an order of beef brisket nachos from the food truck; they are orgasmic. We then take more acid (6 hits for me) and head back to the stage.

Slowly but surely the acid kicks in; as expected, due to tolerance, the acid just enhances the colors and makes me feel like I am having a good, clean, energetic roll. After a couple of hours I decide I want a little bit more than that, so I go back to camp and get 100mg of 2-meo-diphenidine (or as we call it Odd Look), then head right back to the stage.

Once at the stage another friend offers to split a cup of coffee with me. For whatever reason the coffee really hits me hard and ramps things highly as the Odd Look works its way into my system; by this time the sun is setting and darkness is descending. Everything becomes hazy and fuzzy around me, I feel loose and good, kind of outside of myself. Everything blurs and fades to the point that it seems like I am looking through reality through a fish tank. I decide to change outfits one more time. By the time I get to my car it is totally dark. I wasn’t tripping super hard again until I climb into my vehicle, but once inside things go insane.

Almost as if someone switched on a filter on top of my vision, reality begins to flip flop back and forth. Like… Literally the “screen” of my vision swaps places back and forth, shifting vertically from left to right, all in time with the music that is constantly playing. If I stare in one direction too long not only does the imagery flip back and forth it starts to vibrate and snap zoom closer to me almost like a music video. And THEN on top of that, as if summoning the Final Boss of the day, a creature forms out of nothing in front of me.

The creature looks spherical, with two tiny stationary arms coming out of either side; it is made of video feedback loop, with a mouth full of swirling acid hit teeth. The creature is constantly saying “Bore Worm, Bore Worm, Bore Worm, Bore Worm” along with the beat of the music as it zig zags it’s way over my vision eating reality; everything that the Bore Worm doesn’t eat as it goes “Crunch Crunch Crunch” along flies to the upper left side of my vision and then disappears.

I manage to change into my last outfit, a plain/dark colored suit and tie, then I stumble out of my car. Whether it be from the Odd Look or due to the flip flopping visuals walking becomes very difficult. The darkness and path beyond the moving Bore Worm appear to be a vast, endless, star field with just a thin sliver of a white beam to walk on. I make my way back to the stage.

Once at the stage I cannot focus too long on anything due to the flip flopping visuals, especially looking at the stage décor and dancers. When I look back away from the stage the Bore Worm is constantly flying around eating the vendors, other people and valley, leaving bits and pieces of everything flying off in it’s wake.

For some reason I become obsessed with smoking DMT while in this state and I tell everyone to keep an eye out for someone who might be willing to let me try some, then I go off looking for it on my own. I walk on the small beam, through the star field back to the camp. I sit for a while at camp, telling everyone how gone I am (this is the first time Ive ever had an element of a trip seem like it might never stop) then I leave, again because it is very hard to focus.

I find myself at the upper lake dock; out of nowhere this Indian man appears and tells me to smoke his DMT. I do smoke it, and everything goes insane. The Bore Worm multiples and fractals and spirals out of control, as before I find myself floating in a realm of indescribable visual insanity above the lake, and the star field goes into hyper drive around me. And then I am back at camp. I tell everyone I found DMT, they are in disbelief… For some reason I am too, I decide to go and find the guy again.

I teleport through the star field and am back at the dock; again, appearing out of nowhere the Indian man is there again. The Indian man offers me another smoke, this time telling me it is hash. I smoke from him, the pipe looks the same, the substance looks the same, it all looks and smells the same; I realize the man and what I am smoking are almost certainly a hallucination. This time the visuals don’t go insane, I just realize I am tired.

I walk off into the star field and find myself at our friend’s van. My other friend, the one who has been on about as many chems as me is lying in the back, passed out. I climb into the front seat of the van and pass out.

I sleep for I don’t know how long, until at least 8:30am, then get up feeling refreshed, with no lingering side effects. I am perfectly sated by the trip, by the weekend, by everything.

Exp Year: 2016ExpID: 108708
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 31
Published: Aug 15, 2016Views: 1,877
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LSD (2), Mushrooms (39) : Combinations (3), Entities / Beings (37), Multi-Day Experience (13), Glowing Experiences (4), Festival / Lg. Crowd (24)

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