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Delirium Induced by Combination
Ketamine & Phentermine
Citation:   exlolita. "Delirium Induced by Combination: An Experience with Ketamine & Phentermine (exp108834)". Aug 29, 2016.

    Pharms - Phentermine
    smoked Cannabis
I have accidentally taken this combo twice and had the same reaction each time, so I'm pretty sure it is the combination of the phentermine and ketamine. Both increase blood pressure and heart rate. I smoke cannabis regularly and have tried it with all other drugs so I don't think it had any effect on my experience.

I have done each of these drugs alone extensively and never had a strange reaction to either.
I have done each of these drugs alone extensively and never had a strange reaction to either.
I should note that I am generally less affected by ketamine than people around me, and have never gotten into a true K-hole even at doses exceeding 300 mg.

On both occasions, I took the phentermine (an appetite suppressant) early, and did the ketamine at night. Phentermine has a long half-life.

Day 1: I was at home, feeling sad, and decided to do some ketamine and smoke some weed. I was watching tv with my mom and she could tell something was up. Nothing on the show was making any sense to me, and I felt like I was losing my mind. She asked me if I did any drugs harder than weed, and I told her I took ketamine, and she reminded me that I had taken phentermine earlier in the day. My mind was spinning and nothing could focus, but I told her I was OK and I smoked a lot of weed until I came down.

Day 2: a couple of weeks later, I went to the beach. Took phentermine in the morning so I wouldn't have to bother eating at the shore. I did some ketamine in the evening before going on the boardwalk rides, and I started to lose touch with reality. This never happens to me on ketamine so I was very confused. I didn't know what was happening and what was imagined, and I felt like I was on a TV show. This persisted for HOURS, much longer than ketamine should. I really felt like I had lost my mind and would not come back from this.

I generally handle ketamine very well.. To the point that you would not know I'm on 200-250 mg... But this time was different and I blame the phentermine. I even vomited and I never do, not even when I'm piss drunk or on opiates. I can count how many times in my life I have... So I'm glad I'm ok.

I have taken these drugs with many other drugs but I truly think that the two together are a dangerous combination.

Exp Year: 2016ExpID: 108834
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: 21
Published: Aug 29, 2016Views: 4,906
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Ketamine (31), Pharms - Phentermine (248) : Difficult Experiences (5), Combinations (3), Various (28)

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