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Aware but I Don't Care
Clobazam, Alcohol & Methylphenidate
Citation:   Freudamnation. "Aware but I Don't Care: An Experience with Clobazam, Alcohol & Methylphenidate (exp109026)". Aug 22, 2016.

T+ 0:00
30 mg oral Clobazam (pill / tablet)
  T+ 0:00   oral Alcohol - Hard  
  T+ 1:00 60 mg oral Pharms - Methylphenidate (pill / tablet)
  T+ 0:00   oral Alcohol  
  T+ 0:00   repeated oral Alcohol  
Background: I have for the most part of 2 years since turning 20 experimented with many drugs in many combinations. Tonight I was feeling experimental and decided to see what prescription drugs could do in terms of enhancing a party experience. I should note I am on a very weak SSRI prescribed by my doctor, and am prescribed urbanol as an emergency for severe anxiety too. I am a very muscular, in shape, athletic person but I do party very regularly and must comment that I use anabolic steroids year round, so the effects I experience may greatly differ to somebody not on them, and further I must say if you are like me, you must acknowledge the severe risk off organ damage with things coupled with steroid use.


I ingest 30 mg Klobazam (urbanol brand name) before walking out to get into a friend's car. With me I carry a water 1.5l water bottle filled with a mixture of rum, vodka, and sours. I chug a good quarter and he drives off to our usual bar.


At the bar I have ordered a drink while my friend smokes. While sitting at the bar I feel the usual light euphoria of my klobazam kicking in mixed with my light dizziness of alcohol. My friend and I talk about our relationships, religion, politics, business ideas. I知 feeling very pleased with myself and life, and find myself even joking with the barman and waiters, generally making everyone smile.


My friend and I leave for the bar and I take another sip of my drink, and him and I each proceed to take 40mg of Methylphenidate (long acting) before driver off to the club 40 minutes away.


My friend and I park and walk into the club, I chug more of the booze in the car before exiting. Him and I are both feeling buzzed up, but at the same time I find I知 also on what feels like that slight moment before an MDMA trip heavily kicks in and causes one to roll. I知 all smiles with the bouncers and again seem to be cracking funny jokes and people in good spirits each time we talk.


Grabbed a light beer and My friend and I went off to dance to the good DJ痴 playing in this 4 floor dance club. We are loving the music and proceed to talk nonsense and dance for a while


I have had a few drinks at this point and am feeling euphoric to an incredible degree, I am enjoying the crowd and the music, and am feeling very upright and well maintained despite the alcohol and benzo. My friend and I are chatting to strangers and being friendly, having a good time and generally being nice people.


My friend begins saying he is feeling sick and might go home, I walk him to the car and tell him I値l be staying at the club since I知 having a good night, he seems very concerned with me warning me that I am quite messed up at this point and should probably consider leaving too. I refuse and finish my booze in his car, and he reminds me to let him know I知 okay through the night. I immediately return to the club and find a group of girls I know well so I hang out with them. I知 quite keen on dancing and seem to have easily convinced everyone to swell so we all go off. At this point I almost feel like I知 rushing on a good line of cocaine while still being completely non anxious. Everyone and everything seems right here they should be and I知 just generally relaxed and not having a care in the world.


I am having a great time, I致e drank a significant amount more with the girls buying me drinks and my own cash, so I just sort of dance the night away. Still feeling euphoric but less stimulated.


It gets late and the girls I知 with want to go home, they all give me a lift to my place while my head is spinning a bit from all the booze.

3:40 pm

I get home and realize my phone is off, I turn it on to many a message from my worried girlfriend and while I try to call and explain the situation, I知 far too drunk to be coherent. Eventually we just go to sleep because I am far too sedated to have a fight.

The next day I was very hungover but still felt very good about the night. Overall a totally euphoric experience, surprisingly no memory loss, and I was very sociable and fun, the people I was with all messaging me to say what a great time we had.

Exp Year: 2016ExpID: 109026
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 22
Published: Aug 22, 2016Views: 3,112
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Clobazam (759), Alcohol - Hard (198), Pharms - Methylphenidate (114) : Club / Bar (25), Combinations (3)

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