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A Very Good Place
Citation:   Groooovn. "A Very Good Place: An Experience with Clonazolam (exp109157)". Sep 15, 2016.

1 mg sublingual Clonazolam (powder / crystals)
It was a Sunday morning nothing to do for the day. No stuff to do good in case I blackout. I wanted to dose the clonazolam in the morning since it's suppose to have a 6-8 hour duration. ( I have tried it in .25 and .50 and got little to no effect. Except for an afterglow after the .50.)

000: Dosed 1 mg sublingual. No past benzo experience, have used alcohol, DXM and cannabis. Wanted to try because of all the hype about this chemical.

020: Feeling worry free might just be placebo.

040: laid back no anxious thoughts have kind of a floating feeling in euphoria.

100: walking is a little harder barely noticeable. Slight disassociation. Barely noticeable euphoria. Thoughts are foggy. Definitely have that don't give a shit attitude.

125: definitely feeling good like I just drank 3 beers light head space. Walking feels weird.

145: slight confusion. Can't get my thoughts into word. Feeling very light.

200: same feeling as above. Slurring my words a bit.

I think 1mg was too low of a dose for me I had heard of people blacking out at 0.5 and 1mg doses. But 1 mg didn't give any recreational effects to me. Although 0.5 mg is great as a sleep aid fell asleep in min (insomniac).

Not at all what I was expecting.

Exp Year: 2016ExpID: 109157
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 16
Published: Sep 15, 2016Views: 9,454
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Clonazolam (686) : First Times (2), Alone (16)

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