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Safe Opioid Alternative
Citation:   Calvin. "Safe Opioid Alternative: An Experience with Kratom (exp109222)". Sep 23, 2016.

10 g oral Kratom
I have had chronic pain for around 15 years since I was in a serious car accident. After around 13 years I finally realized that narcotics were far too addicting and almost certainly killing me. I searched online for safe herbal alternatives and after a lot of research I found Kratom. I was very hesitant at first and figured it would probably just be a gimmick, but after a week or so I realized how amazing it was. I have now taken Kratom every day for the past two years and have never had an issue besides constipation and nausea. It works almost as well for my pain as heavy narcotics and doesn’t make me hopelessly addicted, feel like my soul is gone, or kill me if I take too much. Kratom has saved my life and I would not be the successful person I am today without it.

As for the high that everyone talks about. I’d be lying if there wasn’t a good feeling associated with Kratom. I wouldn’t really call it a high, more of a mood lift. It feels almost exactly like coffee at low doses, and at higher doses like a very small amount of Vicodin. It’s not a typical opiate high where I am out of it and can barely function. I can keep taking more and feel no more because of the ceiling effect it seems to naturally have. In general, it’s really subtle and kind of hit or miss. For me, if I don’t have a completely empty stomach I won’t feel anything at all, but it will still help with pain.
if I don’t have a completely empty stomach I won’t feel anything at all, but it will still help with pain.
There are different colors strains to choose from: White - the most energetic, Red – the most sedating, and Green – a mixture of the two. I use primarily reds because they help the best with pain. My normal dose is 10g (I have a high tolerance), but I have taken as much as 16g at once.

Exp Year: 2016ExpID: 109222
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 34
Published: Sep 23, 2016Views: 1,937
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Kratom (203) : Therapeutic Intent or Outcome (49), Retrospective / Summary (11), Unknown Context (20)

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