Ltd Ed 'Solve et Elucido' Art Giclee
This reverberating psychedelic giclee print is a gift for a
$500 donation to Erowid. 12" x 12", stretched on canvas, the
image wraps around the sides of the 1" thick piece. Signed
by artist Vibrata, and Erowid founders Earth & Fire.
Dosing Higher Only Increases the Hypnotic Aspect
Citation:   Rampelflik. "Dosing Higher Only Increases the Hypnotic Aspect: An Experience with Flunitrazolam (exp109332)". Jun 5, 2019.

100 - 500 ug oral Flunitrazolam (liquid)
Flunitrazolam 200ug

When testing a new benzo related compound, I always make small report in which I write down everything I do, who I talk to and about what. The reason being that I can check my writings the next day to see if there are any holes in my memory.

20160830 (30th of august 2016)
A small bag containing yellow (kerrie) colored ~75mg flunitrazolam found its way into my possession. I mix 25mg with 25ml ethanol and 25ml tapwater to create a solution that contains 0,5mg per 1ml.

23:25 / T +00:00
I mix 0,2ml (100ug) flunitrazolam into my drink and consume it. And put on Orange is the New Black, S04E08.

23:40 / T +00:15
First effects, maybe?

23:45 / T +00:20
Onset according to one source should be 25-45 minutes. I should wait a bit longer. I don't however, and add another 0,2 ml (100ug) dose for a total of 200ug flunitrazolam.

At the time of writing this report I found the following dosage information via one of the known forums or via psychonautwiki. (I could not retrieve the information anywhere when submitting this report.)

Threshold 40-60ug.
Light 60-100ug
Common 100-200ug
Strong 200-250ug.

Heating some food in the oven and continue watching the serie.

00:05 / T +00:40
Def. feeling something now. Pretty mild. Comparable to 0,5mg of flunitrazepam I would say.

00:15 / T +00:50
Yep. Def. something going on. 0,75mg flunitrazepam comparable. It definitely feels similar to flunitrazepam

01:55 / T +02:10
S04E09 Just ended. 200ug seems to be good dose. Comparable to 1mg flunitrazepam. Going to bed.

The next morning I still felt effects a tiny bit it seems. Or it might have been groggyness from sleep. No apparent holes in my memory.

20160911 (11th of september 2016)

I consume 200ug flunitrazolam on an empty stomach. Together with a friend. This is my second experiment with this stuff. He partakes as well, same dosage.

First effects

Coming on nicely

Here I must confess I might have rated 200ug to low compared to flunitrazepam the first time I tried it. Now, I would say effects are equivalent to 1-1,5mg flunitrazam.

Maybe even equivalent to 2mg flunitrazepam/20mg diazepam.

This does feel quite a bit more hypnotic to me than flunitrazepam.

We each take another 200ug. I still feel quite some effect of the previous dosage, my friend not so much.

Seems effects haven't increased (delusion of no increase in effects might play a role) but remain the same. Extending the first dose.

20161006 (6th of oktober 2016)

I consume 1ml (500ug) flunitrazolam. Effects were felt within 30 minutes and climbed steadily for a while.

00:00 / T +02:00
Al I want to do is go to bed. I'm tired. This dosage has no recreational value for me.

I like flunitrazolam. Flunitrazepam however, is still my all time favorite benzodiazepine. Followed closely by diazepam. Concerning flunitrazolam, for me personally, a 30 year old male weighing in at ~85kg (~187lb), 200ug is the perfect recreational dose. Dosing higher only increases the hypnotic aspect and drowsiness. Your mileage may vary.

Exp Year: 2016ExpID: 109332
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 30
Published: Jun 5, 2019Views: 3,798
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Flunitrazolam (834) : Not Applicable (38), Retrospective / Summary (11)

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