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I Could Not Control This
Dimenhydrinate & Alprazolam
Citation:   bmorgs. "I Could Not Control This: An Experience with Dimenhydrinate & Alprazolam (exp109602)". Dec 18, 2016.

T+ 0:00
4 mg oral Pharms - Alprazolam (pill / tablet)
  T+ 0:50 1600 mg oral Dimenhydrinate (pill / tablet)
The doses reported were NOT a mistake. (Dimenhydrinate=1600mg, Xanax=4mg)

Setting: Brief time inside my residence suite, followed by hours spent outside in urban Edmonton- A large Canadian city.

Mindset: Oblivious, neutral, bored

Dose: 4mg of Xanax at 8:40 P.M., followed by 1600mg of Dimenhydrinate at 9:30 P.M.

General author information: Heavy, 240 pounds. Previous experience with Diphenhydramine and small amounts of Xanax.

The day that this experience happened was no different in mindset for me than any other usual day: Calm, collected, and content. But at the time, I did enjoy the occasion trip from even the least recreational of drugs. My story happens as follows:

8:40 P.M.- I am bored, and I take 4 mg of Xanax for a 'Trip' to fill my time. I had no intentions of leaving my suite for the night.

9 P.M. to 9:30 P.M.- It is shortly after I take the 4 mg of Xanax that my higher memory function begins to fail, around 9 P.M. What I do remember was repeatedly asking my roommate to loan me $20 dollars so I could travel to the Walmart in Clareview to purchase sour key candies. Normally, I would not do this. My inhibitions were extremely low, and reality appeared as nothing more than a haze.

Eventually, my roommate gives me $20 dollars. I remember being unable to reason as to why taking 1600 mg of Dimenhydrinate was a bad idea. At the time, I had saw them as something else that was cool to do. No hesitation in effect. I took the Dimenhydrinate and headed off downstairs to leave residence for the LRT train north to clareview.

Beyond this point, I had suffered extreme long- and short-term memory loss. I will attempt to recollect the experience to the best of my abilities. I'll try to present my memories of the trip in chronological order.

?? P.M.- 11 P.M.- The journey began on the train, and I don't remember the walk there. I recollect, in a hazy fog, watching a couple fail to discipline a very hyperactive and obnoxious child. I do not remember the journey from clareview station to Walmart, despite it only taking an average of 5 minutes.

It was after I entered Walmart that I had entered a full-on delusional state. Memories of being in Walmart include staggering around with no motor control, being denied help by an employee after asking for computer duster with a severely garbled voice, urinating in my own pants because I had almost no bladder control, and falling backwards on my butt when squatting down to view products on low shelves. I must have been there for over an hour, because I heard that the store was closing. I simply got up and left without incident or any product at 11 P.M., which was shocking- The police could have been called on me at any moment.

I did not make it back to the train station as I had no sense of memory or direction. I simply wandered off in an unknown direction in the midst of a large city, completely unable to pose any defense.

Scattered memories from the rest of the night include being unable to find transit home, replying to my roommate's frantic texts with unintelligible keyboard mashing, trying to buy a coffee, and wandering around the streets with no knowledge of my location or situation. I was hearing fake conversations when there was absolutely no one around- and replying to them too.

At around 2:30 A.M., a random man in a van appeared out of nowhere, and asked me if I needed a ride. He had a child with him, which comforts me now more. I managed to get my location out to him, and we just drove. He dropped me off two blocks away from my place- 'This is about far enough'- And before I had a chance to thank him, him and his van were gone.

The most appalling part of it all? At the time, it all seemed perfectly normal.

PLEASE, use a trip sitter. Be responsible and do not deviate from your plans. I could easily have ended up arrested, shamed, or dead.

Exp Year: 2014ExpID: 109602
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 18
Published: Dec 18, 2016Views: 6,019
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Dimenhydrinate (17), Pharms - Alprazolam (98) : Train Wrecks & Trip Disasters (7), Combinations (3), Public Space (Museum, Park, etc) (53)

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