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Life Changing
Citation:   Abiogenesis. "Life Changing: An Experience with DXM & 4-AcO-DMT (exp109763)". Jun 11, 2021.

780 mg oral DXM
    smoked Cannabis
    oral Ginger
  20 mg insufflated 4-AcO-DMT
A Life Changing Experience

I am pretty experienced with drugs and the psychedelic experience, too many opiates, benzos, stimulants to list. More relevant to this particular trip I have done a few different tryptamines (LSD, Shrooms, 4-HO-DiPT, 4-AcO-DMT, 4-HO-MiPT, and 5-MeO-DMT) probably 50+ times total between them. I’ve also done quite a few phenylethylamines (MDMA, MDA, 2C-B, 2C-E, 2C-I, 25I-NBOMe, and methallylescaline) with probably close to 100 trips/rolls on those. My experience with dissociatives is more slightly more limited in variety (DXM, Ketamine, MXE, Diphenidine, and 2-Meo-Diphenidine) but I have done them at least 200 times and probably 100+ DXM trips alone (up to doses of 1400mg).

This particular night I had been planning on dosing 950mg of DXM, but discovered I “only” had 780-790mg, so I decided that would have to suffice. I dosed the gel caps over the period of about an hour, with a 4oz bottle of syrup towards the end of that hour. I took my usual combination of ginger root and a piece of bread to ease nausea as well. Comeup was pretty smooth, very little nausea. I smoked some weed a bit before the peak which blasted me into a high-2nd plateau feeling roughly an hour after I finished dosing. I felt pretty disconnected from my body, a bit of double vision, some strange amusing thoughts, and minor hallucinations with a bit of waviness in my vision. Some pretty nice euphoria as well, and I was grooving on some music.

Not long after the peak I decided I wanted to send my trip to the next level. I have combined shrooms with DXM before and combined 2-MeO-Diphenidine with 4-AcO-DMT before, so I figured combining DXM with 4-AcO-DMT would be a similar sort of experience. In retrospect I greatly underestimated where I was headed that night. I snorted 20mg of 4-AcO-DMT, and waited. Maybe 10-15mins later nothing seemed to be happening beyond the DXM, but shortly later I was suddenly launched into a completely different reality than any I had ever experienced.

I suddenly found myself in some sort of alien dimension. Visually It was a general outline of the room I was tripping in, but it was completely distorted almost beyond recognition, with all sorts of colors I have never seen before, and everything in the room was constantly changing shapes sort of like if you filled a balloon partially with water and just randomly pressed on it to change the shape of it. I have a patterned ceiling that is normally white, but this was now a weird alien purple glowing color and was flowing around like quick sand.

I came into contact with several spirit beings of some sort who became my friendly teachers/guides for the rest of the experience. It wasn’t really that I could “see” them. I could just feel their presence and also hear their soft voices speaking to me. They revealed many things about my life that I am still trying to fully understand but among them they made me realize people/relationships are one of the great things in life that make it worth living, which I’ve always known in a “logical” way but have always been a bit introverted and non-social in a way that prevents me from getting too close to most people. Finally I “understood” in a deep intrinsic way that I should really make much more of an effort in my real life relationships.

These spirits also made me realize many of the things I have been doing in life are pretty unhealthy physically. Using too many drugs, particularly heroin/opiates, not eating very healthy (or at all sometimes), and not getting enough exercise. Another thing somewhat related to this is the spirits just helped point out my general laziness and lack of motivation to DO SOMETHING. I have too many hobbies/interests that I sort of only go into “half-hearted” then bail on them as soon as it gets difficult at all. I have resolved to work much harder on these things, instead of just zoning out on some opiates and watching mindless TV, videogames, etc. Not that I’m going to completely stop doing those things, but I hope to waste far less time on them. I don’t want to look back on my life and feel like I never did anything, or at least TRIED to do something.

Also pretty early after I peaked on the 4-AcO-DMT the music in my headphones stopped playing, but during this whole experience there was this beautiful music just being created in my head but I seemed to be hearing it with my ears. It’s very hard to describe but it was like classical/ambient music sort of halfway between majestic singing voices and some sort of orchestral instrument just harmonizing in a way that seemed impossibly wonderful.

I don’t know the exact time but somewhere around 4 hours after I snorted the 4-AcO-DMT I started to return to my normal reality a bit. I was still tripping hard and having lots of strange thoughts and hallucinations but I was “back”. Upon realizing where I had just been I started crying out of sheer joy at what I had just experienced. Even with all of my psychedelic use over the years I had never experienced anything even close to this magical. For the next few hours I was still pretty out of it just trying to make sense of what happened but still feeling plenty euphoric and more 'normal' hallucinations of shifting patterns and stuff. I finally fell asleep another couple hours later, still with a nice comfortably numb DXM afterglow.

It was probably the best and most meaningful thing that has ever happened to me. It’s 2 days later now and I am still trying to digest everything that happened that night, but I’m not even sure it’s possible. I just know I have been given a new perspective to view my life and the world with that I will forever be grateful for and try to respect and live up to.

Exp Year: 2016ExpID: 109763
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 28
Published: Jun 11, 2021Views: 723
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