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The Friendly but Firm Grandmother/Grandfather
Cacti - T. pachanoi
by Grug
Citation:   Grug. "The Friendly but Firm Grandmother/Grandfather: An Experience with Cacti - T. pachanoi (exp109860)". Jun 7, 2019.

25 capsls oral Cacti - T. pachanoi (ground / crushed)
If acid and mushrooms were my older wiser brothers, then Mescaline could only be described as a firm, yet fair Grandmother.

The trip begins at 4:30 am. My partner and I want to get as early a start as possible due to the 10-12 hr duration of the trip and the need for quality sleep that night. I also believe that the cactus enjoys a melding with the mind during the day more than at night, due to its unstoppable drive toward the sun. We consume 25 caps of dried and ground up San Pedro. I'm not exactly sure of the weight but I do know from past experiences that this is the correct dosage for me. It is approximately half of the recommended dose for someone seeking a mild trip.

We walk down to the beach and begin our long expedition along the coast to a beautiful tourist village about 12km North of where we are. The nausea moves in to our stomachs after about an hour. My partner has it worse than me and we wished we had remembered to buy ginger to try and quell that rotten urge to puke. For me, the nausea is attributed to the shaky transition one must endure as one goes from one psychological landscape to the next.
For me, the nausea is attributed to the shaky transition one must endure as one goes from one psychological landscape to the next.

The nausea continues for the next 45 minutes and we battle it by jumping into the ocean to cool the heaves and ho's of the body. We stop and take some rest, watching the sun do its momentous thing over the vastness of the ocean.

My mind is starting to clear and as I exit the water from another swim, I get the unbreakable feeling that I am a lion, gracefully gliding its body through the sands of the savannah. I climb the dune to where our towels are waiting and spy out over the ocean, feeling like a human that has surpassed the trifles of modern life.

We continue on and talk passionately about hypotheticals, trying to regulate the flow of energy that wants to come bursting out at the seams. A theme of the trip keeps coming forth to the frontal lobes: 'Participation and immersion in life'. The fair Grandmother gently forces me to contemplate the importance of being a member in life's journey, rather than waiting for... I'm not sure, something.

My partner and I both begin to talk about 'the itch' that cannot be scratched. There is something in our minds that wants to be fully realised. One simple step away from true contentment. Always on the verge of true revelation. I slap my leg in lighthearted, mock fury, l, trying to find the itch that needs to be scratched.

Our legs effortlessly keep on carrying us further up the beach until we take hiatus from the unrelenting sun at the public showers just up a track from the sand. My leg twitches and I suddenly feel the need to stand on one leg like a tree and stretch. My body moulds itself into the perfect position and I stretch deep and firm the muscles of my hips. The relief is sudden and indescribable. And for a moment afterward, I feel the itch subside. Sweet peace and loving power.

The afternoon comes quickly over our final headland and we find a deserted cove, isolated from the hubbub of summer, beach enthusiasts. We lay back and look out to where we could not see before. I feel the total sovereign power of my being and cannot fathom ever letting this knowledge being taken from me. I want to help those around feel this sense of spirit too. The only true power comes from the heart and seeks to unite other people to it. I share the message with my partner and she instinctively agrees. The cactus is revealing us to ourselves in the most humane possible way. It is moving thoroughly throughout every cell and sharing the message of power, love and strength. It is undoing years of systematic aggression, inflicted from within and without--both now being the same thing. The message is clear and will not be argued with.

We arrive at our destination and find a shady spot to sit and enjoy a shaved ice cone from a beach vendor. It is the perfect exit to a profound and meaningful day shared with my lovely Grandma frequency.

This plant is more than just a drug or an experience, it is a truth-teller and a healer. It will not stop until the message is heard and the heart and mind can sit together and watch the ocean move. This plant is my most respected friend and I will love it till I take my final breath.

[Reported Dose: "Light dose for a sensitive constitution"]

Exp Year: 2017ExpID: 109860
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 30
Published: Jun 7, 2019Views: 902
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Cacti - T. pachanoi (64) : Public Space (Museum, Park, etc) (53), Therapeutic Intent or Outcome (49), Nature / Outdoors (23), Glowing Experiences (4), General (1)

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