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2C-B & Alcohol
Citation:   Sagescruffy. "Nirvana: An Experience with 2C-B & Alcohol (exp109927)". Oct 19, 2018.

T+ 0:00
  oral 2C-B (powder / crystals)
  T+ 4:00   oral Alcohol - Beer/Wine  
Just a warning, this will have adult/sexual content in it.

The 2cb experience is a light and easy one that's relatively short. That's about all I knew before my first experience with 2cb at roughly 10mg, but it was lacking and only really made things look 'HD' and gave a sharpness to music that's hard to explain. So I then decided to try double that dose and had a good time :) and this is my trip report on that experience.

A couple useful bits of information relevant here are the form of 2cb used and the means of weighing it as well as the fact that I'm pretty experienced with psychedelics. Not so important is that I weighed about 200lb then but have since lost all the weight and look sexy as ever ha ha. This was 2cb in the hbr form which is slightly heavier than the hcl form and so slightly less potent mg for mg. I didn't have a quality scale to measure out doses so I used 10mg spoons that come with nootropics. I'm calling this a 20mg dose because I used 2 of those scoops. [Erowid Note: Two samples of powder (even of the same chemical) with equivalent volumes won't necessarily weigh the same. For this reason, eyeballing is an inaccurate and potentially dangerous method of measuring, particularly for substances that are active in very small amounts. See this article on The Importance of Measured Doses.] Not very scientific I know, but basically one scoop was underwhelming and 2 was more fun. With that out of the way, the experience:

Onset/coming up:

I definitely had the whole trip planned out pretty well. I got some champagne earlier in the day for the latter end of the trip and drinking that champagne was one of the more memorable parts of the experience honestly. I took my roughly 20mg dose at around 8:30pm and lit some incense (nag champa) to set the mood. Now this is where things get 'adult' or sexual. I had just discovered the art of prostate message and purchased a hands-free massager that an individual inserts and performs kegels to move the massager and make contact with the prostate. I wanted to see what it would feel like to give myself a prostate massage on 2cb, so during the onset of 2cb I went to the bathroom and took a shower so that I would be clean for my session. I inserted the massager and just layed there with it inside of me while I came up. I remember being really cold despite it being summer AND having my heater on.
I remember being really cold despite it being summer AND having my heater on.
So I actually got dressed up with the massager in me since it's hands free and relies on your pelvic floor muscles. I put on something to watch to distract me from being cold but then I was all ready starting to feel it kicking in and things were starting to look 'different.'


The time was now closer to 10pm and at this point I decided to play some music and just lay there and focus on doing kegels. I didn't notice any intense visuals but there was definitely something there that's hard to explain. With my eyes open nothing was wavy or anything like that. Things did look alien and foreign though but it was still my room. Closed eyed visuals were waves of color sort of like a sine wave or heart monitor, but colorful and not boring. Eventually I started to get really turned on and the music matched my mood perfectly. The increased ability to feel things was VERY evident now. I was really enjoying my prostate massage, almost writhing with pleasure honestly. At times hardly able to even breathe.

Eventually I got too hot to have clothing on so I layed towels on my bed and continued my session there and put my clothes in the laundry basket. It's important to note I was still cognitively with it enough to realize my clothes could be dirty and so I should put them to be washed. Anyway, the ebbs and flow of pleasure were just insane. It's so hard to even describe the pleasure that was there. I'm not sure where what pleasure was even coming from necessarily. Everything just felt good. Moving my arms across my bed felt good. Doing kegels felt good. Just laying there doing nothing and staring at my tapestries felt good.

After maybe 2 hours of sexual exploration and music listening I finished up and took another shower. That shower was really empowering because I felt FINEEE. I was a tad over weight, but I was still able to look at myself in the mirror and think 'shit man, you sexy fuck.' That helped me out a lot, that tiny little moment complimenting myself. I enjoyed the hot water and lathering up with soap and feeling that all over my body. That could be a separate trip report honestly. I'll leave that for people to imagine how much fun it could be to take a nice shower on 2cb.

After my shower I was just kinda dancing naked and feelin' myself when I remembered that I still had a god damn bottle of champagne. Man, the euphoria I felt from remembering that I bought myself champagne earlier in the day made me cry. That's how happy I was.
the euphoria I felt from remembering that I bought myself champagne earlier in the day made me cry. That's how happy I was.
So I popped it open and poured it in my fancy crystal wine glass/chalice and spent a few minutes just looking into the cup getting lost in the streams of bubbles bursting forth from seemingly nowhere. Like how they do that? I have a massive tapestry of a buddha sitting on a lotus that takes up almost an entire wall of mine and so I was able to just get lost in that while drinking champagne. I was sorta doing the captain morgan pose with one foot placed on my ottoman almost the entire time. I also switched to my fancy over the ear head phones and put on some dubstep, mostly bassnecetar. Alcohol goes SOOOOOO good with 2cb just incredible. Now it was close to 1am and I was pretty tired. I put my music away and sat down to watch some anime (think it was Naruto or One Piece) and finished my bottle of champagne. I layed down and basically just passed out instantly and woke up the next morning at 9ish refreshed with no hang over feeling just fine.

2cb doesn't seem to have the classic come down of other drugs. The experience sorta just ends. There's residual stimulation, but alcohol would counter it. Alcohol just goes so well with 2cb. I did not smoke any cannabis during this experience. Not my thing, muddies the experience for me. Anyway, I wish our society weren't so against drugs. Experiences like this can change peoples lives for the better no doubt. I haven't been able to enjoy 2cb with someone of the opposite sex yet, but I really look forward to that. Hard to have a bad time on 2cb, still need to have a good set and setting for sure.

Exp Year: 2016ExpID: 109927
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 22
Published: Oct 19, 2018Views: 1,596
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2C-B (52) : Combinations (3), Sex Discussion (14), Glowing Experiences (4), Alone (16)

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