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Too Much of a Good Thing
Citation:   pja12. "Too Much of a Good Thing: An Experience with Piracetam (exp109952)". Feb 13, 2017.

6.4 g oral Piracetam (powder / crystals)
This is a report on last night's experience.

I started Piracetam three days ago, and aware that it takes some time to start taking noticeable effect, I decided to take attack doses for the first few days. Started with 4g on the first day, 5.6g on the second day and 6.4g last night. The reason for increasing doses was from reading online people suggesting even higher dosage than what I started with.

Overall my experience with Piracetam has been good. Concentration and mental focus are the most obvious effects I notice. Some people report mood improvement but I didn't experience that.

Last night though, I took what was clearly too high a dose.
I took what was clearly too high a dose.
I wasn't uncomfortable or uneasy, just way too focused. One on one conversations were ok, I was much more chatty and witty, memory recall was fast. But in group conversations I was a mess, I was way too focussed on the person talking, rather than being present with the whole group. My head was whipping from person to person as they spoke. I was unable to say anything because I was so overwhelmed by all the sensory input from the conversation.

We went to a club later and I was dancing, which I usually don't do, and it felt great. But I kept wanting to talk to people, and I think that was annoying them. They seemed to be picking up on how edgy and jittery I was.

I tried to convince myself to relax, but got into the endless cycle of being aware that I was not relaxed and not being able to relax because of that. I was too much in my head, and piracetam's effect of letting me keep strong focus on a thought compounded the effect of that. I'd compare it to a bad shrooms trip without the disjointed situational awareness.

Sleeping was close to impossible because I couldnt shut my brain off. Prob only once the drug wore off I got two hours of sleep. Woke up not as wired as before but still on edge.

I still wouldn't call this a bad experience, just too high a dose. A milder version of these effects could have made for a more interesting experience.

Exp Year: 2017ExpID: 109952
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 37
Published: Feb 13, 2017Views: 7,044
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