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A Scary Letting Go Into the Oneness
DMT & Moclomebide
Citation:   scientistuk. "A Scary Letting Go Into the Oneness: An Experience with DMT & Moclomebide (exp110095)". Mar 17, 2017.

T+ 0:00
300 mg oral Moclobemide
  T+ 2:00 2 hits vaporized DMT
Set and setting, lying comfortable on my bed at around 8pm.

I have experienced DMT on several occasions and have never actually broken through although I have had some enlightening experiences and some scary ones, for some strange reason I never get any open eye visuals apart from the room taking on an alien yellow/green colour during the peak.

I took 300mg of Moclemebide approximately 2 hrs prior as to prolong the experience due to the MAOI effects. I loaded my vaporiser with approximately 50mg however probably only inhalled 30mg.

I took 2 inhallations and held in after a 10-20 seconds I felt like I was being sucked in through my soul, very hard to explain. I then proceeded to close my eyes, there was alot of evil imagery however I knew I had to not be afraid.
I then proceeded to close my eyes, there was alot of evil imagery however I knew I had to not be afraid.
All of a sudden a brilliant realisation that the universe was whole. cosmic energy the oneness is not just about love it is everything, it is non judgemental or damning, we all as human individuals searching for this truth is trying to find happiness, some choose hate some choose love whatever truly makes them happy. However in order to make life on earth a better place to live in we must all learn to love from the heart and not to be selfish.

Duality of the universe encompasses everything that is and ever has been. Dark/light life/death. The realisation of this duality and accepting evil and good as one will lead to a place of perfect peace/nirvana.

I struggled to let go completely as I was told in order to fully be with us you must die. I didn't let go, then things got really weird. I thought I was for a time God, then realising after 5 minutes we are all God and the power of the mind and faith is so important. Religions and Politics is all about control and we must be free. We are enslaved on this earth unfortunately.

We as humans do set up morals and judgements to satisfy our soul and ego. But in truth, there is just unified consciousness.

I have taken LSD before and also believed I was God. I assume this is just me struggling to release my ego.

I have a love hate relationship with DMT and not sure if I should take drugs again. Maybe the timing wasn't right.

Acceptance is the key. I think 😀

Exp Year: 2017ExpID: 110095
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 40
Published: Mar 17, 2017Views: 1,402
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