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A Typical Cathinone High
Citation:   ff4life. "A Typical Cathinone High: An Experience with MDPHP (exp110228)". Apr 5, 2017.

20 mg insufflated MDPHP (powder / crystals)
  20 mg insufflated MDPHP (powder / crystals)
    oral MDPHP  
I received 400 mg as a sample from a supposedly unreliable vendor (which proved to be reliable in my case) a few days ago. It came as an off-white, slightly tan powder, kinda 'cloggy' (it sticks to itself, which makes it difficult to make proper lines).

20 mg were insufflated but since it was a bit mild, I decided to insufflate another 20 mg. No burn whatsoever. So the total dose so far is 40 mg.

The experience

Left my apartment, grabbed my bike, and rode it all the way to the movie theater to see Fences. It took me 30 minutes to reach my destination. I was full of energy and motivation during the entire ride (damn, even during the first hour of the movie). Music was sounding very pleasant too (I always wear headphones when I ride).

My conclusions

I feel that this compound is not as taxing on the cardiovascular system as a-PVP or even the -phenidate family. Well, in my experience though. After leaving the movie theater, I felt a bit lethargic and fatigued, but not necessarily in a bad way. Jaw clenching was minimal - no problem in this department. A lot of water has been consumed during the entire experience too. I also highly suspect that the compound essentially targets the DAT and NET transporters since no serotonin action was felt BUT this is to be taken with a grain of salt since only some *actual* lab research can prove my point.

Also, as with almost all cathinones, there was still a bit of a lengthy residual stimulation lingering. I will try to smoke and eat it later to see how it goes, but so far this is what I can relate about it. Also, I haven't tried a-PHP yet so I can't comment on that either.

[As a side note about oral consumption]

20 mg were consumed orally this evening as part of my pre-workout home-made stash (creatine, l-citrulline, beta-alanine, potassium nitrate, caffeine citrate, l-theanine, higenamine). No euphoria or pleasant rush at all — mostly an adrenergic high, I would say (peripheral stimulation). So basically it's like caffeine, but a bit stronger. I assume if I push the dosage higher (40-50 mg), I should be able to activate the dopamine component of the substance, if that makes any sense. Just like I did with hexen.

EDIT: Now, almost three hours after the above mentioned intake (20 mg) as a pre-workout, I am feeling pretty good, still wide awake, and willing to translate the project I am currently working on (this is what I do for a living). No comedown was felt and the heart is totally fine.

Exp Year: 2017ExpID: 110228
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 30
Published: Apr 5, 2017Views: 8,872
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MDPHP (773) : First Times (2), Alone (16)

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