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Very, Very Relaxed
Citation:   DeputyDepression. "Very, Very Relaxed: An Experience with Kratom (exp110277)". Apr 26, 2017.

  oral Kratom (ground / crushed)
Relaxing on Kratom

After months of acute depression and anxiety I've been looking for ways to take a break from my mind that are just off the beaten path. I would turn to cannabis or alcohol normally but cannabis now induces feelings of panic/dread bordering on heart attack and alcohol is too easy to go overboard chasing a feeling.

Kratom interested me because of its reputed sedation and euphoric properties. So I bought some green maeng da powder from a reportedly good vendor and it arrived a few days later. When it arrived I was a bit nervous because I've read reports on addiction and withdrawal but I don't really have THAT bad of an addictive personality so I threw caution to the wind and got to business.

Prep: I measured a tiny bit over the rim of a teaspoon (probably between 3-4g) threw it in a pot with some water. I first heated to a boil then reduced to a simmer and let it sit for 15 minutes. I thought i'd strain the plant matter out cause I didn't really like the idea of drinking powder but the mixture stayed quite, well, mixed and drinking the powder wasn't very noticeable all in all except for the end. So I down in about 5 minutes and wait.

Effect: After sitting for about 10 minutes I'm feeling a bit less anxious and thinking it could be placebo. So I play a computer game for about 5 more minutes waiting for effect but nothing more comes. I thought eh screw I didn't have high hopes anyway. I then ate something for lunch (around 2:30PM, about 20 minutes after drinking the tea).

Thinking the kratom was mostly done affecting me, but also hoping for more, I started to watch some tv. Over the course of a 30 minute show it started to kick in. When I first started to feel the effects it was a bit anxiety inducing because of my past experiences (horrible panic attacks) with cannabis. I realized the anxiety was dismissible and focused on the feeling.
I realized the anxiety was dismissible and focused on the feeling.
My feet felt warm and my body started to relax. I had a few odd twitches in random places of my body but nothing I've not experienced before, could be coincidence as I don't sleep well sometimes. I found myself melting into the couch, taking a very slumped backward posture and feeling quite comfortable. Mentally I was feeling about the same. Very, very relaxed.

I'd like to note that there was no euphoric feeling, just relief of anxiousness....I might even say I was a bit prone to anger if relaxation was disturbed. At this point I'm entirely sure it's not placebo. This was about an hour ago and I've felt largely the same with a slight decline in the pleasant relaxing feeling. As I finish this report I feel like I'm coming down back to baseline very gently.

Summary: Kratom is pretty good for not feeling anxiety and relaxing the body for about 1.5-2 hours. It didn't make me feel connected to the world (which is what I seek), euphoric or happy. It made me feel sedate and at ease with my disconnectedness...I'm not sure if I'll try it again soon even though I've got a lot left. 5/10

Exp Year: 2017ExpID: 110277
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 25
Published: Apr 26, 2017Views: 3,234
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