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Severely Psychedelic and After a Concussion
Citation:   Night Hawk. "Severely Psychedelic and After a Concussion: An Experience with Cannabis (exp110282)". Apr 28, 2017.

  smoked Cannabis
Severe Psychedelic Cannabis Experience

I assume it is a somewhat infrequent occurrence to have such a severe, psychedelic-esque trip report to be reported just from Cannabis use, but this is what happened.

Background of the Story: This was less than a week after I got a somewhat bad concussion, though the symptoms of it were strange and it was hard to pinpoint the status of my head. My tolerance to weed has always been very low, but because of my recent concussion, this experience was something unrivalled in intensity, and the effects it induced are not at all representative of what one thinks of when they think of a Marijuana experience.

Story: I decided I would invite my friend over, just to get some company to feel more occupied and less bored. When he arrived, we started smoking some weed out of a bong. The strain was Maui Wowie, a strong sativa, and the batch I had smoked was of fine quality. I was loaded a fat bowl out of the bong, and smoked it in two big rips.

Some incredible effects immediately began to become present. I remember after I smoked it, I was trying to play a video game I enjoyed on the computer, but I noticed I was becoming too sensually agitated and went to sit down in the bathroom. I remember covering my hand, and was starting to shake. The weed had hit me too hard, it was starting to become a very unpleasant experience. I placed my hands on my face, I remember being incredibly high, telling my friend that I had to go to bed, and then went upstairs and lay down.

This is when the trip really escalated. I was sitting in bed, my mind was becoming delusionally paranoid, I was fearing my parents might walk in and see me in this state. I felt my heart rate was probably something in between 150-200 bpm, and I was worried. My body was completely shaking, I could feel the bed vibrating because of it. The probably only positive (ish) thing that happened on the trip were the hallucinations. With my eyes closed, the hallucinations were vivid and memorable. At one point, I remember seeing a green circle surrounded by darkness which had a thick diameter of some sort of ancient looking design within its diameter. The circle had distinct symbolic figures lying on points all around it, and was fulling rotating. Then, as the hallucination became more and more vivid, its reality slowly overpowering my perception, I had to open my eyes. When I did this, the darkness of my eyes closed which surrounded the circle was replaced with the darkness of the room, though I could see the rest of my room in this darkness. The hallucination continued vividly as ever.

After this, I can say that I had open-eye hallucinations induced from only weed (there was no way it was laced, as my friends smoked it and had normal experiences). Overall, when compared to my two experiences with Mushrooms, this cannabis experience was more intense in hallucination, bodily sensation, and most ways. The divine clarity of mushrooms was not at all present, however. Although it is hard to compare substances, this weed experience (although not enjoyable) made me higher than I was on shrooms and is one I look back at in amazement.

Exp Year: 2017ExpID: 110282
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 16
Published: Apr 28, 2017Views: 1,468
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Cannabis (1) : Small Group (2-9) (17), General (1)

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